One gun owning Texan plumber with no military/police background and a rifle nails the Texas Church shooter in a gap between his body armor with ONE SHOT and makes the dude break his attack and flee. He joins up with another guy he’s never met, explains the situation, and the two run the fleeing fucker down in a vehicle until the shooter went off road and died.
Police receive several months of training, including firearm instruction, and get tens of thousands of dollars in surplus military equipment, and still haphazardly mag dump dozens of rounds in engagements and can barely hit their target.
Quick Addendum:
-The civilian who shot the attacker, Stephen Williford, is a certified NRA firearms instructor.
-He was barefoot the whole time.
“Yipee Ki Yay, motherfucker!”
Good shit
I love how utterly this situation destroyed the entire gun-grabber narrative.
Good guy with a gun never stops mass shooting? This one did.
Civilians can’t be that accurate? This one was.
More guns will only turn the situation into a running gun battle? Didn’t happen.
AR-15s are only used for evil? Good guy had one here.