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Generals » The Downfall of Bhaalspawn (contains possible SJW discussions) » Post 22183

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@Background Pony #C6E2
Well…this honestly goes a LONG way to explaining why Jerry Peet decided to change into Lily Orchard. The former man lost the original source of his jollies and thus decided to go down a darker path to get a new one.

Generals » The Downfall of Bhaalspawn (contains possible SJW discussions) » Post 22182

Background Pony #C6E2
Fair warning, this is a very hard video to watch. We already knew that Lily was an asshole, a plagiarist, and a narcissist, but it turns out she is also a pervert and an abusive monster.
@Background Pony #5E57
Oh, I didn’t see this post. Is this the same video as this one? Because this one was just uploaded while the previous video is no longer available.

Generals » The Downfall of Bhaalspawn (contains possible SJW discussions) » Post 22181

Generals » The Downfall of Bhaalspawn (contains possible SJW discussions) » Post 22180

Generals » The Downfall of Bhaalspawn (contains possible SJW discussions) » Post 22179

Generals » The Downfall of Bhaalspawn (contains possible SJW discussions) » Post 22178

Background Pony #6520
@Dex Stewart
Guess it’s another reminder of how automated systems aren’t always the best way of filtering content on the site.
Lily was apparently considering taking legal action at YouTube before they were restored because they rejected the initial appeal.
Though I imagine public pressure must’ve been enough, because both videos have now been restored.

Generals » The Downfall of Bhaalspawn (contains possible SJW discussions) » Post 22177

Generals » The Downfall of Bhaalspawn (contains possible SJW discussions) » Post 22176

Background Pony #6520
5 months later.
Apparently, Lily’s Steven Universe and Legend of Korra is Garbage and Here’s Why videos both ended up being flagged by YouTube as ‘Made for Kids.’

Generals » The Downfall of Bhaalspawn (contains possible SJW discussions) » Post 22175

Generals » The Downfall of Bhaalspawn (contains possible SJW discussions) » Post 22174

Generals » The Downfall of Bhaalspawn (contains possible SJW discussions) » Post 22173

Background Pony #7A68
yeah because that leaking caused Toon to get away with his crimes and then of course Lily taking advantage of the leak to again demonize Josh and the Brony fanbase. Not going to lie I feel sorry for the Brony fanbase because this fandom seems to be the universal punching bag or is that just me?

Generals » The Downfall of Bhaalspawn (contains possible SJW discussions) » Post 22172

Generals » The Downfall of Bhaalspawn (contains possible SJW discussions) » Post 22171

Background Pony #7A68
Yeah two faced does seem to be correct seeing as again she is getting onto Josh and the others for what happened during and after Toon’s sins where reviled and is ignoring not only what her leaking did but is just flat out seeming to ignore Lily not doing anything with info she had on Toon which again Lily did nothing with and seemed very happy to have a reason to go after Josh and the Brony fanbase.

Generals » The Downfall of Bhaalspawn (contains possible SJW discussions) » Post 22170


De meows
I’m not so sure about that with my personal interactions with her, I just think she’s two-faced. I wouldn’t be surprised to see that she deleted the post about her talking to toon after everyone agreed to not talk to him again.

Generals » The Downfall of Bhaalspawn (contains possible SJW discussions) » Post 22169

Background Pony #7A68
yeah it’s a shame to see that Segasister seems to of jumped onto the Josh is the bad guy train. Because didn’t Segasister use to be sane?

Generals » The Downfall of Bhaalspawn (contains possible SJW discussions) » Post 22168

Generals » The Downfall of Bhaalspawn (contains possible SJW discussions) » Post 22167

Generals » The Downfall of Bhaalspawn (contains possible SJW discussions) » Post 22166

Generals » The Downfall of Bhaalspawn (contains possible SJW discussions) » Post 22165

Background Pony #7A68
I don’t really know if this matters but here is something that might be talk worthy.

sent a message
Something you mentioned really stuck with me: the gang turns a blind eye to Lily’s abuse when it’s not directed at them. Interesting since Lily went on and actual fucking crusade to slander and destroy anyone who she perceived as exhibiting that behavior in the Brony community back in the day. Like, she outright accused one of the community’s most beloved creators of malice towards abuse survivors because she demanded a sit down and he said no because he didn’t want to get screamed at.
They absolutely do. They’ve seen it happen multiple times, at this point, and they’re still sticking with her. Personally, I think that says a lot about them and the people who still give her any sort of credit.
Allow me to add context: he and several other bronies were covering for a sexual predator until I made it public that he was sexting a minor for over a year. He then partnered with another Brony and made a video asking everyone to forgive said predator, “for their own sake.” Naturally, as someone who’s been abused, this pissed Lily off.
So forgive me if I side with Lily here. Plus, she would’ve had Sketchy and someone else this predator victimized with her as well, so they could’ve at least reigned her in.”
Like why is Segasister forgetting the fact that Lily her self had info about Toon’s sins and said crud all about anything?

Generals » The Downfall of Bhaalspawn (contains possible SJW discussions) » Post 22164

Background Pony #F1BA
the irony is that Josh wanting to defend him self from Lily make him the bad guy but Lily wanting to “defend” her self from Josh and others that called her out then it’s not bad.

Generals » The Downfall of Bhaalspawn (contains possible SJW discussions) » Post 22163

Generals » The Downfall of Bhaalspawn (contains possible SJW discussions) » Post 22160

Background Pony #A694
I guess that means the channel will now be more consistent with content, given Lily’s content have been pretty scarce lately, outside of daily livestreams.

Generals » The Downfall of Bhaalspawn (contains possible SJW discussions) » Post 22159

Generals » The Downfall of Bhaalspawn (contains possible SJW discussions) » Post 22158

Generals » The Downfall of Bhaalspawn (contains possible SJW discussions) » Post 22157

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