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Generals » Video Game General » Post 2420

Roleplaying » Equis Rising [NSFW] » Post 4953

Thread Starter - Tech's Tickle Cellar
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Hmmm …..“tested repeatedly for mental instability, results negative.” “Personality tends to vary between genial to brash and abrasive,” …how the hell do they know my blood ty-oh right…left several pints of it in the throne room..
He looks for anything out of the ordinary.

Roleplaying » Equis Rising [NSFW] » Post 4928

General Discussion » Brony Irish Dinking Song » Topic Opener

The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

I was so inspired by Aleximusprime today that I decided to try and get a little game going!
Let’s see you guys put your writing skills to the test by playing our own version of “Whose line is it anyway?”’s Irish drinking song!
If you are confused as to what it means, simply click on the highlighted link above.

Roleplaying » The Evil Council Shenanigans (Possible NSFW Material) » Post 32981

Roleplaying » The Evil Council Shenanigans (Possible NSFW Material) » Post 32870

Roleplaying » Naval pony combat school (NSFW) » Post 663


Sleeper Agent
Vainor: They’re not supposed to be that strong. And not L.I.
Command: I believe Sperber is up to the task. He’s passed two of the three tests so far.

Roleplaying » Naval pony combat school (NSFW) » Post 650

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Thread Starter - Emergency: Equestria. (potentially NSFW)
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

loves a Demon
Heli 1: “please identify yourselves on the frequency we give you.”
the frequency is provided and Morgan is ready to take the call.
Sperber: [they´re heavily armed and extremely fast, this must be a diplomacy test because if it Comes to a fight we´re going down…]

Generals » Fallout Thread » Post 957

Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Silver Bit -
A Perfectly Normal Pony - Buttweys
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Okay, Survivalist’s Rifle, Grunt, 12,7mm JHP ammo is definitely viable on higher levels.  
In my load order, my damage/DPS with JHP was displayed as 115/490 in the Pipboy, Guns skill around 90.
Might be influenced by my load order, so YMMV
When you get crits, the doubled enemy DT is easily compensated, and regular hits are okay, too.  
Was able to whack deathclaws with it on very hard difficulty, including Deathclaw mothers.  
Might test to see how well it does without having companions to draw fire for me, or how many enemies it can manage at once before one gets overwhelmed.  
Felt as strong as the Laser Rifle__/LAER__ (Opt. MFC, Laser Commander) vs enemies with DT below 20, but I don’t know how well it would fare against baddies with 20+ DT. My guess is, it’ll depend dramatically on crits / headshots from there and up.  
12.7mm Smegma vs Cottonwood Cove, 12,7mm JHP also went better than expected. Well, because I got the silencer for it and went for sneak crit burstfire headshots, lul.

General Discussion » Your Reaction if X Happens in the Show (possibly NS4W) » Post 68

Background Pony #26F7
I would be completely lost, because I know nothing about Touhou.
Reaction if Twilight uses Starswirl’s spell to abdicate, and Celestia reveals being made a princess against her will was secretly a test to see if she could question authority and choose her own destiny.

Roleplaying » The Evil Council Shenanigans (Possible NSFW Material) » Post 32664

Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Marauder: * telepathy to hazard * We are back.  
Guard2: * over the inter com * You see that tac?
Weiss: * opens a case and takes a dark blue crystal out * Is there anything you would like me to test it on?  
Callia: Sir a group of humans with a sangheili came here saying they wished to form a alliance with us and they told us they found a flood controlled world they weren’t able to clean out and they gave me a datapad they say has the location of the world and proof of the flood presence.

Roleplaying » The Colt Farm [NSFW GAY Foalcon] » Post 8232

Roleplaying » The Colt Farm [NSFW GAY Foalcon] » Post 8201

Thread Starter - Ctrl + V thread

@Mobster Octavia  
Trev: “In what way? All that’s left to do is start the machine up and test it. I only brought enough mass storage to transport ONE pony. A whole other one would require me to use twice as much! But I guess you can help set up….”

Roleplaying » The Evil Council Shenanigans (Possible NSFW Material) » Post 32508

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Thread Starter - The evil council continuation

They moved back to their car where Max was just looking at his weapon.
Laila: So, Max, did you finally see how insane your hometown his.
Max: They were just looking to do a test, nothing that bad, I know you aren’t one, I saw you in Oredenton long before they became a thing here, but I can’t judge them.
Liala: Oh, come on, next to overreaction in the dictionary there is a map of this city. It’s a good thing you came with us on this tour, that’ll show you how the normal life is. what are you doing right now, not keeping your gun clean for teh 20th time today like they tell you there.
Max: No, I’m just thinking of how I should call or if I should call it.
Liala: They break your imagination there, it’s especially true if you are a guard.
Max: Maybe, I must say that I indeed feel as if imagining is close to impossible, yet I remember my early years, it wasn’t that hard then.
Liala: You could name it after me.
Max: No.
Liala: Just kidding. I’ll let you find that name yourself, that will do you good to unlock your spirit again.

Roleplaying » The Evil Council Shenanigans (Possible NSFW Material) » Post 32464

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Thread Starter - The evil council continuation

He kept on creating his map, the twin cities like most diamond dogs city is in a cavern but the name came from a specificity of it where one city is build at the bottom of the cavern, and another is suspended from the top. A giant tower in the middle connecting them.
Liala: What are you going to do with this now.
Passenger: I don’t know. I didn’t test to see if my illusions can be photograph or filmed, if they can be I will go make use of this for the cinema.

General Discussion » "Neckbeards vs Legbeards": Or, Social Justice Extremism » Post 5627

Duck - Niggoslav_Kwaczyk
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
A Perfectly Normal Pony - Drinky_Butt
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

@The Smiling Pony Well, I know Lampy was afraid of what would happen, at least xD  
also, it’s tumblr-related, that means it’ll never run out of material until the site is forced to close and the brony hatedom decentralised.
@Turkeynomster I’m not really sure how Malcolm X relates to that, but there’s probably some sort of politically scientific process that could show he really had something going. If he had been running for president I know I’D definitely vote for him, and I’m a freakin’ white german. His “House Negro” speech is probably one of the greatest I’ve ever heard and someone like him is sorely needed on the anti-globalist/corporatist side of things, it applies too well to the fatcat shills who rise from poverty only to forget where they came from and crunch down on their necks harder than the original oppressing force. I have seen far too often, that the people who ‘really make it’ wind up committing worse excesses than the silver spoonfed ‘white cishet ol boys clubs’ that tumblrinas usually rail about.
And they can dodge all sorts of criticisms by shielding themselves with their former poverty, until they’ve really made a huge mess of things. Kwame Kilpatrick and Ray Nagin being the two most notorious in recent US political history. They would present themselves as victims by ‘abducting street language’ and professing to ‘keep it real’ and their sucker voters bought it over and over. Marion Barry was pretty bad too but he at least had the excuse of serious mental problems caused by his lifelong drug abuse. Dude just straight up baked his brain. The voters that kept him in though…  
Seriously Malcolm’s one of the few US speakers who can make me tear up with pride, I’ve felt like a li’l sambo boy in a southern baptist congregation listening to some of his longer speeches.
@Background Pony #C601 Yea, that’s usually how these kinds of movements get so strong right off. There’s a kind of shocked disbelief where people won’t question them, they will just be all “Oooookay. I will go stand over there now” and be unable to fight them upon first exposure, because it’s just so utterly ludicrous that you can’t believe what you’re hearing/reading.
@Archonix hahaha, vegans are the oldschool form of tumblr, before they realised throwing ‘sexism’ and ‘rape’ at everything was a far better shield than ‘but don’t you care about the cute animals?’ Go on Livejournal and search tags for anti-vegan groups, see what that reminds you of, what the ‘internet social media culture’ looked like when PeTA was at its height. It’s not far off from tumblr, just replace all things about sex with things about animals. At one point the animal rights movement was so bad that a government study found only 15% of accusations leveled at companies for animal abuse or unethical animal testing were wholly true, and a scant 5% more half-truths. A lot of PeTA’s slaughterhouse videos are staged, or real-because-I-let-this-company-hire-me-so-I-can-fuck-up-on-camera, where they would ‘plant’ their members at food processing plants and pretend they were longtime workers following obsolete or abusive company policies.
The only really really big difference is that Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty is the only one I can think of that really hit tumblr-levels of extremism, and that’s more due to the rest of the movement being very tech-unsaavy hippies than anything else. When you look at how they put their arguments together and then presented them (by pretty much stuffing them in a bag of dogshit, lighting it on fire, and throwing it at your children) it’s really similar to the kind of shit tumblr does not. Tumblr is just what happens when that same mentality hits indoctrinated kiddies who have access to do-this-at-a-push apps and scripts, while back in the 90s you still had to know something about computers to get shit done. These mobile devices really did kill civilised discourse and language in the western hemisphere after all, just not the way we thought it would.

Roleplaying » Equis Rising [NSFW] » Post 4749

Roleplaying » Escaping The Darkness (WARNING:GrimDark NSFW) » Post 26184


The submarine dives down to 80 feet.
OOC/Sean Connershy Steps into the submarine’s CIC room and speaks through an intercom to the ratings. (Ratings are crewmembers)
Comrades, this is your captain. It is an honor to speak to you today, and I am honored to be sailing with you on the maiden voyage of Equestria’s most recent achievement. Once more, we play our dangerous game, a game of chess against our adversaries. For forty years, your fathers before you, and your older brothers, played this game and played it well. But today, the game is different.  
We have the advantage.
It reminds me of the heady days of Starswirl the Bearded, when the world trembled  
at the sound of our megaspells. They will tremble again — at the sound of our silence.
The order is: engage the silent drive.
OOC/ Lt. Twilight Sparkle: Aye, ma’am!
Diving command, open the doors. Activate the caterpillar drive!
OOC/Sean Connershy: Comrades, our foe doesn’t know our full potential. They will do everything possible to test us; but they will only prove their own foolishness. We will pass through our enemy’s patrols, past their sonar nets, and lay off their largest battleship, and listen to their rock-and-roll… while we conduct missile and torpedo drills. Then, and when we are finished, the only sound they will hear is our laughter, while we sail to Neigh Orleans, where the sun is warm, and the cuisine is delicate.
A great day, comrades. We sail into history!
OOC: Thank goodness for copy and paste. It’s been rephrased a little though to make more sense.

Roleplaying » The Evil Council Shenanigans (Possible NSFW Material) » Post 32252

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Thread Starter - The evil council continuation

Patrol: The fur is no concern, the changeling’s metamorph’s power can made every possible colors including some that don’t exist naturally. But the eyes can be a clue we are fine with green eyed as long as we have tested them once and don’t get inside sensitive areas.
Liala: It don’t even worth it to deal with them Weiss. Let’s get out of here.

Roleplaying » The Evil Council Shenanigans (Possible NSFW Material) » Post 32243

Roleplaying » The Evil Council Shenanigans (Possible NSFW Material) » Post 32237

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Thread Starter - The evil council continuation

They were on their way back to the train station when they heard some argument between familiar voices and other one.
Patrol guard: Just be a good citizen and made her pass the test.
Conductor: No, and for people who are so much on their high horses about being good citizen and obeying the rule you should know that I’m the only master on my train.
Liala: Yeah, just leave us to be.

Roleplaying » The Evil Council Shenanigans (Possible NSFW Material) » Post 32168

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Thread Starter - The evil council continuation

The gangsters loosed their weapons and flew quickly, they know like most people that the outworlders are often of warrior races and decided to not test the veracity of the news by themselves. Or they’ll be back once they will have an idea of how to win this fight.

Roleplaying » Escaping The Darkness (WARNING:GrimDark NSFW) » Post 26071

Roleplaying » Escaping The Darkness (WARNING:GrimDark NSFW) » Post 26065

Roleplaying » Escaping The Darkness (WARNING:GrimDark NSFW) » Post 26052

Dono & M.Storm
Thread Starter - Flowing Bliss - NSFW
Artist -

A purpose.
Dono: {He looks harmless but what if he is actually testing me? Goddamn it Quasar, you know I can’t resist playing your games at times.}
Sits down and crosses his legs like he was a Dojo Master. Tilts his head to the side a little.

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