Mechanics do occasionally make tips, actually. And various other artisans. It’s not nearly as common as the restaurant industry, but it does still occur. Same thing with those who are paid on commission, they do get tips. Consultants and contractors often make additional fees as well on top of whatever their base contract pay is.
Doctors get stipends during residency, aid money, tuition reimbursement, incentive packages, and network commission fees.
It is absolutely idiotic to compare between jobs as every job receives things that other jobs do not. It is especially foolish to compare across different industries. Why should a doctor get all those above benefits when a mechanic doesn’t?
Because every industry is subject to different realities. What one worker makes and gets offered in one field shouldn’t really have much baring on the incentive packages of another.
And right now, the reality is that hospitality and food are struggling hard because workers do not want to work for slave-wages and rely on tips/commissions. We are seeing a record number of restaurant closures. It’s not because of covid, or the “evil government and their regulations”, its because of staffing.
This isn’t a socialist perspective mind you, I am coming at this from a purely capitalistic perspective on this subject. And the market demands competition right now.