It is absolutely idiotic to compare between jobs as every job receives things that other jobs do not.
Oh, you mean like how waiters tend to get tipped in lieu of higher wages?
Are you saying there mught be a reason for that?
And right now, the reality is that hospitality and food are struggling hard because workers do not want to work for slave-wages and rely on tips/commissions. We are seeing a record number of restaurant closures. It’s not because of covid, or the “evil government and their regulations”, its because of staffing.
This isn’t a socialist perspective mind you, I am coming at this from a purely capitalistic perspective on this subject. And the market demands competition right now.
Yes, the market does demand competition right now. And if they wanna stay in business, they will find a solution. That’s what a competitive market does. It innovates and evolves.
Workers aren’t businesses. Competitive work environments are bad because it slows down progress.
A competitive market has an incentive to pay its workers more when their industry turns a higher profit, and lower its prices when it can so ot can attract more business.
A not competitive market is literally just a monopoly, that has no incentive to give fairer wages or lower prices, and may even do the opposite. Why do you think that’s better?
Maybe the issues is tips and not wages than. Tips are used and abuse by corporations to not even pay minimum wage.
What I have been saying is that we have to choose between tips in lieu of higher base wages and higher base wages with little or no tips. Not having it both ways.
I love when people go “rawr free market, competition, reeeeeee” and then recoil like a vampire from garlic when presented with the idea that generous pay and benefits would make complete sense within the market.
All because they’re afraid their favorite cheese burger will cost a little extra.
I really don’t like this. Particularly that last line. It makes it sound like it is the consumers’ duty to support a business and its workers by paying extra for it all. This is not how business works. At all.
It is the business’ duty (any business, not just restaurants) to sell a product that people want at a price that they can afford, while paying all of their bills. And if they cannot do that, then the industry will fail, and it is not the consumers’ fault.
They rarely admit that it’s because they think that certain workers just deserve to be paid less in their eyes. So they’ll veil it in free-market side speak.
The free market only pays what it can. I know sometimes that are underpaid workers, but the market isn’t completely filled to the brim with nothing but underpaid everywhere.