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General Discussion » EA to be only company to produce Star Wars games » Post 14

General Discussion » EA to be only company to produce Star Wars games » Post 13

Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends.
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.

Wait, I thought EA had sorta slowed down at trying to win the “Worst Videogame Company” award, and someone else, I don’t remember who, had taken up its mantle?
I might be wrong, but at the very least I stopped hearing of their bullshit some time ago.

General Discussion » EA to be only company to produce Star Wars games » Post 12

General Discussion » EA to be only company to produce Star Wars games » Post 11

General Discussion » EA to be only company to produce Star Wars games » Post 10

General Discussion » EA to be only company to produce Star Wars games » Post 9

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Thread Starter - The evil council continuation

That’s still pretty awful from them to give an exclusivity contract and preventing so many others from trying their chance to make a game out of the planned new movies. Even more than now EA will put more effort to prevent non-profit competition on their new market than what Disney would have alone for the gaming part of it.
EA must have proposed much and they fall for it because they want to refund the billions they spend to acquire star wars as fast as possible.

General Discussion » EA to be only company to produce Star Wars games » Post 8

The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

I think everyone forgets just how titanic Disney is. If EA fucks up this chance with terrible games, Disney will litigate them so fast and so hard all that would be left of EA’s legacy is a post-it note at the back of the book in the Annals of Video Game History that says; “ EA. Fucked over Disney. Never spoken of again.”

General Discussion » EA to be only company to produce Star Wars games » Post 7

General Discussion » EA to be only company to produce Star Wars games » Post 6

General Discussion » EA to be only company to produce Star Wars games » Post 5

General Discussion » EA to be only company to produce Star Wars games » Post 4

Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

Maybe they’ll pull an A:CM on us. Getting our hopes up and then tearing it down to the ground in one fell swoop.

General Discussion » EA to be only company to produce Star Wars games » Post 3

General Discussion » EA to be only company to produce Star Wars games » Post 2

General Discussion » EA to be only company to produce Star Wars games » Post 1

The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

As far as it concerns me, It’s possible they’ve recognized that they aren’t in the best public eye right now, so they took the rights and are going to try to win back some support by making quality games, especially with a franchise with such a beloved and storied gaming history.
Besides, EA owns Bioware, who have a stellar track record with Star Wars titles.
I remain cautiously optimistic.

General Discussion » EA to be only company to produce Star Wars games » Topic Opener

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