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Tagging Discussion » Should "busty" tags imply "big breasts"? » Post 2

Roseluck - For supporting the site

@Background Pony #C243  
Thanks for the link. Only looked at recent threads when I checked this hadn’t been discussed so missed that one.
A lot of this comes down to “where does ‘big’ start anyway?” and that topic had a link to an answer too. Descriptions never became official but now I finally have some guidelines… even if Equestria Girls’ huge heads and tiny torsos throw a wrench and the whole toolbox into them but it’s way better than nothing!
So yeah, I equaled ‘anything above medium/average’ to ‘big’ but that’s also why I wanted other opinions. Only have my own limited experience of Derpibooru when it comes to my ‘knowledge.’
As it is, they can use it to find specific characters that aren’t flat/small-chested.
Good to know. Thanks. Looking at that tag’s numbers, I guess NOT delicious flat chest isn’t enough for that.
In other words, you’re saying you see people neglecting to tag “big breasts” when it should apply, and tagging only with a “busty X”? Yeah, I guess so, but I feel like more often it’s the opposite — I’ve needed to add the “busty X” tag to “big breasts”-tagged images a lot.
Yeah, that’s my experience… But I also only ever look at busty rainbow dash, not big breasts (unless it’s added to the former), so I’d never actually know about that other side.
Also I always felt that reasonably sized breasts was made as opposed to the big breasts tags rather than standing on its own, so I figured some people used it precisely to deal with needing to include every single busty character tag in their filters because a blanket hiding of big breasts didn’t cut it.
That’s the issue I’m thinking most about. A way to make filtering easier. Assuming anyone filters out big breasts as a whole (as opposed to its bigger cousins, which I do know some people have on their blacklists), anyway.
because it also seems like everyone agrees that users will continue to apply the “busty X” tags with loose abandon.
Ah yes, Rainbow Dash qualifying as “busty” every time she’s curvier than a plank. Even when it’s a screencap. I know that feel.

Tagging Discussion » Should "busty" tags imply "big breasts"? » Post 1

Background Pony #C243
This is something that’s been discussed off and on in the past, including with a very similar thread.
Overall, it seems like everyone agrees but nobody decided conclusively to make it so, possibly to avoid “big breasts” getting added inappropriately because it also seems like everyone agrees that users will continue to apply the “busty X” tags with loose abandon.
As it stands, I interpret “busty X” tags to not apply for flat/small breasts, and to be more than just “unremarkable/no size tag”/“medium”/“reasonable” size but not necessarily all the way to “big”.
  1. I assume people who browse busty tags in the first place do so because they want to see, precisely, big breasts
As it is, they can use it to find specific characters that aren’t flat/small-chested.
  1. If someone wants to filter these out, they need to include big breasts in their filters… along with every single busty character tag they’re aware of because none of them imply it.
In other words, you’re saying you see people neglecting to tag “big breasts” when it should apply, and tagging only with a “busty X”? Yeah, I guess so, but I feel like more often it’s the opposite - I’ve needed to add the “busty X” tag to “big breasts”-tagged images a lot.

Tagging Discussion » Should "busty" tags imply "big breasts"? » Topic Opener

Roseluck - For supporting the site

Thought about commenting on this thread instead but figured it’d be better to have a new topic with a more descriptive title.
I’m looking at this from two ways.
  1. I assume people who browse busty tags in the first place do so because they want to see, precisely, big breasts.
  2. If someone wants to filter these out, they need to include big breasts in their filters… along with every single busty character tag they’re aware of because none of them imply it.
    Thoughts? I’m never sure those questions I raise are actually useful for the site.

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