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General Discussion » Mlp Comic Dub- Comic Relief by Braeburned » Post 26

General Discussion » Mlp Comic Dub- Comic Relief by Braeburned » Post 25


Sorry to let you know about this super late but for some reason when I tried to play the remaster you made about halfway through the vid it skips all the way to the end for some reason IDK why. 😞

General Discussion » Mlp Comic Dub- Comic Relief by Braeburned » Post 24

General Discussion » Mlp Comic Dub- Comic Relief by Braeburned » Post 23

General Discussion » Mlp Comic Dub- Comic Relief by Braeburned » Post 22

Background Pony #A39B
It can still be found on archive
Posted Report

General Discussion » Mlp Comic Dub- Comic Relief by Braeburned » Post 21

General Discussion » Mlp Comic Dub- Comic Relief by Braeburned » Post 20

General Discussion » Mlp Comic Dub- Comic Relief by Braeburned » Post 19

General Discussion » Mlp Comic Dub- Comic Relief by Braeburned » Post 18

General Discussion » Mlp Comic Dub- Comic Relief by Braeburned » Post 17


You know what would be great?
If someone reverse edited the comic dub to make a NSFW version, unfortunately I have no video editing skills. my talents lie elsewhere.

General Discussion » Mlp Comic Dub- Comic Relief by Braeburned » Post 16

General Discussion » Mlp Comic Dub- Comic Relief by Braeburned » Post 15

General Discussion » Mlp Comic Dub- Comic Relief by Braeburned » Post 14

General Discussion » Mlp Comic Dub- Comic Relief by Braeburned » Post 13

General Discussion » Mlp Comic Dub- Comic Relief by Braeburned » Post 12

General Discussion » Mlp Comic Dub- Comic Relief by Braeburned » Post 11


Hello I’m new here, I’ve been trying to look for the comic dub as well with no luck but I did find the original title and a video that some kid made which has the original thumbnail and clips from the video and some guy on tumbex talking about the video.
“mlp comic dub comic relief (yaoi clop) ft. winged t. spears”
For some weird reason one of the links don’t work on here but most of them do.

General Discussion » Mlp Comic Dub- Comic Relief by Braeburned » Post 10

General Discussion » Mlp Comic Dub- Comic Relief by Braeburned » Post 9

General Discussion » Mlp Comic Dub- Comic Relief by Braeburned » Post 8


Is it possible to make a video of it using the slowed w/music video/audio and then trying to recreate using the comic while also crediting? I’m giving it a go and I don’t mind a little noise as long as it works out.

General Discussion » Mlp Comic Dub- Comic Relief by Braeburned » Post 7

Background Pony #0A6F
literally i’ve been looking for this thing for months
it looks like it got taken down for copyright, which is why even if you can find the link for it, which i have, it’s completely and utterly useless. i tried to message SylviaCrisp, who originally posted it, but they haven’t gotten back to me. guess we’re all stuck for now, unless they happen to have it and get back to me lmao

General Discussion » Mlp Comic Dub- Comic Relief by Braeburned » Post 6

General Discussion » Mlp Comic Dub- Comic Relief by Braeburned » Post 5

Background Pony #41DF
@Background Pony #F346
Yeah I found that version too, but yes, “thanks” to the music I cant really use that to recreate it. But I take that answer as a no.. so really nobody in the net seems to have a saved version of the video/audio… :/

General Discussion » Mlp Comic Dub- Comic Relief by Braeburned » Post 4

General Discussion » Mlp Comic Dub- Comic Relief by Braeburned » Post 3

General Discussion » Mlp Comic Dub- Comic Relief by Braeburned » Post 2

Background Pony #09F7
Hello. I was wondering if anyone has the comic dub of Braeburned’s comic relief comic. It used to be on YouTube but got taken down. If anyone has downloaded it, please upload it here. Thanks.
heya. did you ever find the dub again? cause I’m searching for it as well and maybe you could share it with me. thank you^^

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