Music/Charts Enthusiast
Coldplay are overhated
Which is why I stay out of politics
Which is why I stay out of politics
forum like this where any opinion, regardless of whether they’re “popular” or “unpopular” is welcome
Why does this tick you off so much? A lot of posts here aren’t really unpopular yet this is the one you draw the line. You started this by telling people to move on from Pokemon. That’s not an opinion at all. It’s telling people to stop having an opinion.
I have an unpopular opinion. Others defended the more popular opinion. That’s just how debate works.You don’t just state an unpopular take without expecting people defending the other side.
No one here is obsessed with Pokemon or Nintendo. Don’t put words in our mouths.
Stop shaming people for things they enjoy. We’re on a My Little Pony site.
What? What’s wrong with enjoying a family friendly franchise?
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