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Pony Discussion » MLP G5 Discussion and Speculation Thread » Post 25521

Pony Discussion » MLP G5 Discussion and Speculation Thread » Post 25520

Pony Discussion » MLP G5 Discussion and Speculation Thread » Post 25519

Pony Discussion » MLP G5 Discussion and Speculation Thread » Post 25518

Pony Discussion » MLP G5 Discussion and Speculation Thread » Post 25517

Pony Discussion » MLP G5 Discussion and Speculation Thread » Post 25516

Pony Discussion » MLP G5 Discussion and Speculation Thread » Post 25514

Pony Discussion » MLP G5 Discussion and Speculation Thread » Post 25513

Pony Discussion » MLP G5 Discussion and Speculation Thread » Post 25512


Does Maretime Bay have a dock or pier? I assume the town does have one since it has a lighthouse, but we’ve never seen it right?

Pony Discussion » MLP G5 Discussion and Speculation Thread » Post 25511

Background Pony #23F1
@Background Pony #23F1
That wasn’t my point, though? You said that no supernatural beings from G1 or 4 were in G5. Also, by your definition, would the rainbow bullfrog from “A Swing and a Misty” count as a monster?
^ I’ve seen “Equus” in fanfics, such as A New World, A New Way and Songs of the Spheres.
It’s just an animal, not a mythological monster.
The word “Equestria” is about the land of the ponies - although this is used on the continent where the country is located, and then on the world in the absence of names for these. We do not know what the name of the continent is. Nor the name of the world. Therefore, fans use alternative names such as “Equus”.

Pony Discussion » MLP G5 Discussion and Speculation Thread » Post 25510

Pony Discussion » MLP G5 Discussion and Speculation Thread » Post 25509

Pony Discussion » MLP G5 Discussion and Speculation Thread » Post 25508

Pony Discussion » MLP G5 Discussion and Speculation Thread » Post 25507

Background Pony #23F1
The writers in IDW, MYM and TYT - yes even for games - are prevented from showing familiar mythological monster creatures that existed in both G1 and G4.
The dragons who were first thought to be monsters in G4 had been revealed to be civilized creatures with a moral code, tool use and social hierarchy despite their nature as omnivorous animals at the top of the animal pyramid. We have human societies in the world that are no less primitive than these dragons from G4/G5.
So these “fall outside” the monster category in MLP that has a specific definition; behavior rather than species. Allura, for example, does not behave like a monster, but an intelligent being who could interact with others not of her kind - and is not defined as a monster.
The MLP world, called Equus by the fans, is populated by many different species in addition to the Equidae. Some of these such as dragons and mythological appearances seemed to have been created rather than evolved, especially these chimerical beings such as diamond dogs, abyssinians and several others.

Pony Discussion » MLP G5 Discussion and Speculation Thread » Post 25506

Pony Discussion » MLP G5 Discussion and Speculation Thread » Post 25505

Pony Discussion » MLP G5 Discussion and Speculation Thread » Post 25504

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Artist -

Misty Shadow
I’ll answer the last part first, this supposedly takes place before chapter 5, or she’s a last minute addition within whatever kooky timeline this took place in. And the glasses? Who’s to say shops can’t sell the same design? And now regarding the comparison. Is “character does unthinkable for selfish reasons” really better than “character does unthinkable for good reasons”. Like I suppose learning to empathise but said character who forced it should still get the short end of the stick sounded more like Justice doing it’s thing than because the ends justified the means being at play here.
Guess “XD” wasn’t a good enough clue that I was speaking in a tongue-in-cheek manner and that I had already figured these things in bold out. Wasn’t asking a serious question, was just surprised and finding it funny to be seeing Misty with her old mane and Comet’s glasses.

Pony Discussion » MLP G5 Discussion and Speculation Thread » Post 25503

Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -

House of the Arcana
@Background Pony #23F1
She’s not evil, just traumatised. Sounds familiar already.
@Background Pony #23F1
No evolution just undiscovered.
I’ll answer the last part first, this supposedly takes place before chapter 5, or she’s a last minute addition within whatever kooky timeline this took place in. And the glasses? Who’s to say shops can’t sell the same design? And now regarding the comparison. Is “character does unthinkable for selfish reasons” really better than “character does unthinkable for good reasons”. Like I suppose learning to empathise but said character who forced it should still get the short end of the stick sounded more like Justice doing it’s thing than because the ends justified the means being at play here.

Pony Discussion » MLP G5 Discussion and Speculation Thread » Post 25502

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Artist -

Misty Shadow
Just finished reading the finale to the main series of the G5 comics, the Sister Switch arc. I wouldn’t call it my favorite part of the comics, but I definitely feel like it did the A Royal Problem plot from FiM better than MYM’s The Cutie Mark Mix-Up. The biggest thing I’ll never forget about this part of the comics is not Zipp’s “But First, Coffee!” mug, but the sight of Misty with her old mane and Comet’s glasses.
For real, why does Misty still have her old mane and where did she get Comet’s glasses from?! XD

Pony Discussion » MLP G5 Discussion and Speculation Thread » Post 25501

Background Pony #23F1
@Background Pony #23F1
I’m pretty sure as the reviewer put it, they’re original, pure and undiscovered species of seaponies completely distant from the ones in g4 where all started out as hippogriffs.
Have gone through all three issues again, and once again I see that the seaponies are highly diversified - it is possible to see that Calla Lily, Anemone and the guards Shore and Sand are classic seaponies while Starboard, Maris the Crow and one of the ponynaps are merponies. But as for the others, they don’t have pony characteristics - like Foamy Joe, Bilge, Clipper, Rigs, Ballast and Shores among the trenchponies. They are more like these fish klugetowners. Same with Calla Lily’s guards in #3.
Three “seaponies” distinguished themselves from both these with pony features and fish klugetowner features - Creeping Jenny, a squid who is undoubtedly from among the intelligent squids seen in G1 and G4, the crab guy who was perhaps called “Two-eyed Gilbert” - and a seapony in the background on p. 16, upper row. This creature is reminiscent of the alien monster from the movie “Alien: Covenant”.
It’s not just hippogriffs in G4, there were also kelpies, merponies and classic sea ponies. The hippogriffs were more modeled after the horse than the pony when these were sea ponies, especially in the head shape. Possibly the hippogriffs are actually related to the saddle horses which are larger than ponies, mostly in Luna size. Celestia and Twilight 2.0 remain the largest in comparison to both hippogriffs and saddle horses.
So it is size that can distinguish a hippogriff seapony from a classic seapony that has existed in G4. Calla Lily and Anemone are therefore defined as classic sea ponies, their hoofs having been covered undoubtedly as a result of evolution, to streamline the ends of their limbs. Hippogriffs have nail-like fins on their limbs, which set them apart from all others. The kelpies can change shape as seen with these in the IDW S10 comics.
Life in the sea is no less diverse than on land, and it is not surprising that the different kingdoms should have different population compositions. Sparkling Sea might have been populated by many refugees who went there. But it was seen that the fish klugetowners in the G4 movie seemed to be hostile towards ponies, and maybe that could be because seaponies, merponies and hippogriffs were conquerors and rulers of the seabed. Others with a pony/horse shape were dangerous predators such as the sirens, which were undoubtedly greatly feared. The kelpies could also be dangerous.
The fact that CJ could be called a “seapony” could only indicate that everyone had been integrated with a common identity without exception. Which suggests an imperial style of rulership.

Pony Discussion » MLP G5 Discussion and Speculation Thread » Post 25500

Background Pony #23F1
@Background Pony #23F1
Does anyone believe he or she can predict what will happen to Calla Lily if she puts on the crown with anchors?
If you think she can become a monster by putting on the crown with the anchors, she will make history as the first G5 monster. Because no monster has so far been seen in G5 since its inception. The absence is so glaring - there are monsters from G4 that aren’t covered by Discovery’s rights claim - that it can only mean a logical explanation.
A ban. Faust’s standing ban on humans in G4, so that anthro beings who could have human arms and torsos, remain more “furry” than “human”, especially the abyssinians. The writers in IDW, MYM and TYT - yes even for games - are prevented from showing familiar mythological monster creatures that existed in both G1 and G4. We have therefore only seen ghosts whenever supernatural creatures are shown, which makes G5 interesting because ghosts were a non-issue in G4.
This ban, if it exists, must be explained. This is one of the biggest mysteries in G5 in third place after the mystery of how Equestria collapsed and the mystery of Twilight’s disappearance - and is the most difficult to explain. Because we have vague indications of how Equestria collapsed, and a hint that Twilight may have ascended to become a star, the Wishing Star - which seemed to react in tune with the Unity Crystals. But about the monsters from G1 and G4? Nothing.
It is as if they had been wiped off the face of the earth.

Pony Discussion » MLP G5 Discussion and Speculation Thread » Post 25499

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Grumpy and antisocial
Useless information: Just found out Misty and Luster Dawn share VAs in two countries (Poland and Brazil). However, this coincidence in voice acting was not done at the same time: Katarzyna Domalewska was Misty’s Polish VA in MYM and season 1 of TYT, while Flávia Narciso is the character’s Brazilian VA as of season 2 of TYT.

Pony Discussion » MLP G5 Discussion and Speculation Thread » Post 25498

Pony Discussion » MLP G5 Discussion and Speculation Thread » Post 25497

Pony Discussion » MLP G5 Discussion and Speculation Thread » Post 25496

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