Unpopular opinion time

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My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

(edited to add top reply)
Honestly, yes, the show did a bit of a disservice to itself to never give the CMC teenage models at any point, IMO.
And I retroactively replace Starswirl with Sunburst.
Twilight by all sensible logic had never even heard of Sunburst back in S1, she never used any shield magic before S2, and she did not display such advanced skill with teleportation as she did in GUIHTD, where she threw a shield up and teleported ponies away under it. It also would’ve made more sense for Celestia (ruler, has restricted areas for archives and such, magic teacher) to have such a thing, compared to a shut-in who’s supposed to be at a complete loss for purpose at that point, which is severely undermined if he’s, you know, corresponding with Twilight in S1.
For that matter, Sweetie Belle shouldn’t have nearly that much magical skill if it were S1, to be able to pull off a feat somewhat broadly comparable to S1 Twilight in teleportation, in that she kinda screwed up a bit with a group teleport, and Twilight taught her from the time she controlled basic magic in S4.
Apple Bloom also referenced going through that swamp as she did in S4, Rainbow Dash is a Wonderbolt on speaking terms with Spitfire, wearing a Wonderbolts outfit (which is plot relevant to why Rainbow Dash couldn’t go, because Wonderbolts were called upon to help deal with rogue stormclouds in Cloudsdale from the factory), Troubleshoes is shown cameoing having found his place, etc.
Lay off whatever the heck you’re smoking to “justify” that, man. It’s just objectively wrong on every level, not even up for debate. If you’re trying to casually dismiss Twilight being an alicorn, there is no argument to begin with, and it only gets worse from there.
Non-Fungible Trixie -

I personally blame this on the concept of branding.
Then again, I wouldn’t be surprised if Scootaloo’s wings actually were the real reason “Growing Up is Hard to Do” got pushed back until near the end. You’ve got one group of fans holding her up as a role model for people with disabilities, and another hopeful to see her fly eventually after watching her struggle. Plus Faust’s claim that she “hadn’t figured it out yet” after initially conceiving Scootaloo as having a bona fide disability (suggesting that the higher-ups thought that giving her an explicit diagnosis of “grounded for life” would be too much of a downer).
So there would likely have been strong pressure to avoid making waves in either direction.
Icicle Niceicle 1517
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Do you think that the reaction to Twilight becoming an alicorn would have been more better received had it happened to her in a later season rather then at the end of season 3?
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Pone of Astronomy
@icicle wicicle 1517
I think it would have been better received if Twi earned it for more than just fixing a cutie mark mess she made.
So, Larson’s Pandora’s box setup he made that Hasbro denied.
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Do you think that the reaction to Twilight becoming an alicorn would have been more better received had it happened to her in a later season rather then at the end of season 3?
That…is a very good question. I’d argue a very provisional yes…but that’s predicated on it coming about more akin to the setup we saw in season 4 for the elements and the Tree of Harmony, rather than out of the blue which is essentially what happened in our timeline.
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The more I think of The last problem, the more I believe the fans (or at least the most vocal ones) have been too harsh on it. I think if they rewatched it with an open mind and a fresh perspective, they probably would like it.
I don’t exactly know why they’re mad at it, the only thing I’ve read was “the characters have aged and I don’t like old ponies because it’s depressing”, as if this was a real dramatic flaw or something like that.
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
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#293 Fox
@Ring Team
Lmao last time I said the eye bags looked kinda ‘eh’ and someone acted as if I had treated aging as an affront of god or some shit. People were pretty damn defensive of the episode back then.
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I’ll admit I’m one of the few who genuinely loves The Last Problem and sees it as the perfect send off to the show, but I can get all the criticism thrown at it and the two parter before it because just like every other episode, it isn’t free of any problems. I think people are allowed to not like it just like how I believe people are not allowed to not like the Season 6 finale even though I love that two parter to pieces.
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Silly Pony - Celebrated the 13th anniversary of MLP:FIM, and 40 years of MLP!
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Yeah, but here’s the thing: That is to be expected from people when they get older. It’s perfectly natural. Not every character has to look like a model from a Pantene commercial.
Look at Carl from UP. Look at Ana from Overwatch. Look at Yoda from Star Wars. It’s natural.
Pixel Perfection - Hot Pockets Spotted
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
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Resident Spin Fetishist
Eh, it’s just that it leaves very little room for speculation as to the trajectory of the mane six’s lives, as well as even Starlight and the CMCs, all of whom simply remained locked to the school, even though the CMCs were far better off and far more productive in what their cutie marks were intended for when they had started their own “helping others find cutie marks” business. And what’s more, ONLY Pinkie married and had a kid, which I find disappointing beyond belief. Lesbian or not, there is absolutely no way Applejack isn’t starting a family of her own.
Non-Fungible Trixie -

I mostly agree there. Though at least the School of Friendship would be a logical place for the CMCs to practice their talents as Cutie Mark Counselors - many of the students there would be in the age range where they’d have either just obtained their cutie mark, or be close to getting it. But you’re right in that it was pretty disappointing to see their individual talents swept aside in favor of a career they hadn’t shown much real interest in (outside of one blink-and-you’ll-miss-it line of dialogue from “The Last Crusade”).
Then again, there was a statement from one of the staff to the effect that the future was meant to be open to interpretation, and the Mane Six established that it is possible to teach at the school while holding another full-time career. So for all we know, Scootaloo has a pair of prosthetic wings and a Wonderbolt uniform stashed in the faculty lounge.
And it did feel odd that Pinkie Pie was the only one of the Mane Six to have an actual canonical no-room-for-interpretation spouse and child. Though at least “Baby Cakes” had her rise to the challenge of baby care and continue to serve as the Cakes’ babysitter, so it’s not entirely implausible that she’d eventually think about making one of her own.
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