Honestly, yes, the show did a bit of a disservice to itself to never give the CMC teenage models at any point, IMO.
> And I retroactively replace Starswirl with Sunburst.
Twilight by all sensible logic had never even *heard* of Sunburst back in S1, she *never* used any shield magic before S2, and she did *not* display such advanced skill with teleportation as she did in GUIHTD, where she threw a shield up and teleported ponies away under it. It also would've made more sense for *Celestia* (ruler, has restricted areas for archives and such, magic teacher) to have such a thing, compared to a shut-in who's supposed to be at a complete loss for purpose at that point, which is severely undermined if he's, you know, corresponding with ***Twilight*** in S1.
For that matter, Sweetie Belle *shouldn't* have nearly that much magical skill if it were S1, to be able to pull off a feat somewhat *broadly* comparable to S1 Twilight in teleportation, in that she kinda screwed up a bit with a group teleport, and Twilight taught her from the time she controlled basic magic in S4.
Apple Bloom also referenced going through that swamp as she did in S4, Rainbow Dash is a ***Wonderbolt*** on speaking terms with Spitfire, wearing a Wonderbolts outfit (which is plot relevant to why Rainbow Dash couldn't go,
Lay off whatever the heck you're smoking to "justify" that, man. It's just objectively wrong on *every* level, not even up for debate. If you're trying to casually dismiss Twilight being an *alicorn,* there *is* no argument to begin with, and it only gets worse from there.