It’s been almost 5 years since FiM ended and looking back at it, the finale wasn’t that bad (“The Beginning of the End” is much worse imo). I just wish they hadn’t brought back Grogar at all if they weren’t going to make him the final villain of the show. The villains could have all met on their own and worked together to retrieve Grogar’s bell or some other dangerous artifact and Discord shouldn’t have had any involvement (he could still know about them and choose not to stop them, but he shouldn’t have brought them together under the guise of Grogar).
And what if the bell didn’t just absorb magic of creatures, but the creatures themselves (bodies, souls, life force, everything). Imagine Discord not only losing his magic, but becoming trapped inside the bell, his soul and life force empowering the villains even more. Of course without him to warn Twilight and the others, the villains would have taken Equestria completely by surprise. Maybe the villains use the bell on not only the princesses, but the mane six (minus Twilight) and Starlight, trapping them all inside. Twilight would have been forced to face the villains alone, with the magic and life force of her friends being used against her. It’s like she’s fighting not only a trio of villains, but all the ponies she’s ever known and loved having turned against her and serving her enemies. Of course, Twilight would somehow stop them, every creature trapped within the bell would be freed, and the villains would still be turned to stone (though it would have been great if Twilight explicitly gave them one last chance to redeem themselves which all three villains would reject).