A weapon or an ability that drains life or traps souls is one thing that’s fine that stuff is Dark Side shit it’s evil my problem is when the Force treated like Ki like it can be transferred to power up another Jedi Rey felt like Goku at the end of TROS and I hated it.
Now on the Leia yes she was in space floating is more justifiable but it’s stupid I hate and
Rebels did it better.
Now getting back to the what started this
…so why can’t a jedi fly?
Lift yourself up!
Starlight Glimmer did it, and she managed to fly with enough control to do combat with an alicorn in mid-air so why can’t Force users do it?
They suspend things in mid air all the time!
This is a very personal thing as as I said my brother would ask this too and I found it to be an extremely stupid thing to ask for so I am triggered right now.
I hate the idea of Jedi being able to fly I think it adds nothing interesting to them I think it would lead to stupid overly complicated fight scenes and yes Star Wars has those but think how much worse it would if they were flying around it’s one thing when Anakin and Obi-Wan are swinging on ropes clashing lightsabers but now they’re just flying around under their own power just seems like it would look horrible.
I hate this question I hate very concept if I could erase this thought for the collective consciousness so no one was ever to even think it again and thus never ask it I would give it serious consideration.
It sucks.