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General Discussion » Why does news in the usa suck so bad? » Post 9

Wallet After Summer Sale -

I once asked my dad why he watched Fox News, he said it’s because they are the only ones who tell the truth. Two hands are not enough to facepalm as much as I wanted to. I don’t even watch the news, all it does is bring me down. I don’t want to hear about someone going to prison for 10 years after a 5 week court battle over a parking ticket or what new law was passed and why I’m even more oppressed than before. Then have to watch commercials for prescription drugs and fast food. Shows on Fox News and such aren’t even news, all they do is say why they are right and why everyone else is wrong. What happened to reporting the actual news? Instead of saying there is a big snowstorm headed your way, one of those “news” shows will say something like a big snowstorm is coming and it’s all Obama’s fault. They may be adults and use big fancy words but they are nothing more than children arguing on a playground.

General Discussion » Why does news in the usa suck so bad? » Post 8

Thread Starter - The great GamerGate discussion.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Pretty much.  
The moguls who run these companies all have their agendas, and they push it to both engender their perspective and because it’s what the public wants to hear.  
A testament to how intellectually lazy the modern American is. And before I get too fingerpointy I haven’t see better from Europe.  
This is why people who hate Rush Limbaugh will watch the Young Turks, even though last I checked, Cenk uses the same rhetorical and argumentation strategies as Rush.
Japanese news is quite good though.

General Discussion » Why does news in the usa suck so bad? » Post 7

Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2020) - Took part in the 2020 Community Collab
Wallet After Summer Sale -
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

In Vino Veritas
It comes down to two factors, narrowcasting for ratings, and framing the issue for agendas.
The first, narrowcasting, has ensured that there will never be “unbiased” news. Basically, narrowcasting is when a news agency targets a specific demographic. This is done for two reasons, to boast ratings by creating a loyal fanbase, and to attract ad revenue form corporations that also cater to that demographic. Next time you see an ad for an electric car on MSNBC, or ads for oil companys on FOX, keep that little tid bit in mind.
Framing the issue follows the same line. They “frame” stories and topics that interest specific demographics, namely political parties. When a story breaks, you’ll see news outlets frame it in either a conservative or liberal way.
Money is only one issue, it’s mostly about what interests pull which strings for what agenda. In fact, the whole idea of “It’s all about the money” is a fine example. Liberal news outlets will paint that as big corporations trying to brainwash you, where conservative outlets will blame the big “liberal media” of doing the same. When the fact of the matter is, it’s all kind of true. Corporations, the government, private interests, and even the new outlets themselves all have a very vested interest in selling you a specific story.

General Discussion » Why does news in the usa suck so bad? » Post 6

Thread Starter - /nsfw-monster-musume-thread

Corrupter of the pure
Jon Stewart made a good point about the news about Obama shaking hands with Raul Castro. The news is extremely petty.

General Discussion » Why does news in the usa suck so bad? » Post 5

General Discussion » Why does news in the usa suck so bad? » Post 4

General Discussion » Why does news in the usa suck so bad? » Post 3

Thread Starter - /nsfw-monster-musume-thread

Corrupter of the pure
It’s even worse when they don’t respect the dead.  
(cough) How they didn’t respect the dead in the newtown massacre and anyhow put on the 911 calls. That makes my blood boil when they don’t even so much as have enough decency as human beings to respect the dead.
No matter what you thought about that shooting, you have to agree disrespecting children that were shot to death is WAY too far.
It’s like they went in the newsroom, “Hey I know the parents are still getting over the death of their children, but hey let’s capitalize on the children’s death to make some quick money”

General Discussion » Why does news in the usa suck so bad? » Post 2

The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Because the news in the USA is on a 24 hour rotation and is more concerned with ratings and catering to their “demographic” than it is about information and analysis. I’m not even just talking about the right/left Fox/MSNBC dichotomy of political advocacy and bias. These stations will literally have “at the scene coverage” where people will say “Well, we don’t know what’s happening and don’t have any news. Lets bring on “experts” about what could be happening while we speculate over nothing.”
It’s garbage and journalism in main stream media is long past dead.

General Discussion » Why does news in the usa suck so bad? » Post 1

Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
The Power of Love - Given to a publicly verified artist with an image under their artist’s tag that has reached 1000 upvotes
Artist -

The Bestia
I can’t really see the issue. Everytime I’ve watched the news it just looked like them going on about issues in the US (American news tends to focus on America. Don’t ask me why).
Personally I just look at the BBC site for news.

General Discussion » Why does news in the usa suck so bad? » Topic Opener

Thread Starter - /nsfw-monster-musume-thread

Corrupter of the pure
I don’t just mean Fauxnews; rather I mean in general. Out of all the 24/7 news channels there’s only a handful of programs that aren’t cringeworthy, don’t pretend to cry, don’t have more nazi propaganda than a WWII museum, and don’t constantly spew useless news stories and blow them up as something that changes the country.
What the hell happened?
I did used to know someone that worked for a national news company and the garbage he spewed was, “The internet’s fault”. That doesn’t make any sense though, cause the usa isn’t the only country with access to the internet and other country’s ideas of “news” stories aren’t talking about a actress’ dress or other useless information. You can’t really blame everything on the internet when other countries are doing fine new integrity wise and not having to resort to being tmz.

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