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Generals » Don't blame me, I voted for the other guy. (Politics General) » Post 15079

Generals » Don't blame me, I voted for the other guy. (Politics General) » Post 15078

Generals » Don't blame me, I voted for the other guy. (Politics General) » Post 15077

Generals » Don't blame me, I voted for the other guy. (Politics General) » Post 15076

Yoga is boring

@Violet Rose in The Rain  
Not a facist but I never said my views were tolerant, righteous or right. I think my political viewpoints are better equipped to deal with issues confronting contemporary problems than alternative ones just like everyone else with an opinion on politics and I am open to having my views debated. That being said, the pendulum can swing both ways, though. Some of my views might be seen as right by society years from now just as others may be disregarded as bunk. Most facist practices are not free speech, no, but the shuttering of certain political beliefs and policies from public debate is not right either. It isn’t often two wrongs make a right.

Generals » Don't blame me, I voted for the other guy. (Politics General) » Post 15075

Generals » Don't blame me, I voted for the other guy. (Politics General) » Post 15074

Generals » Don't blame me, I voted for the other guy. (Politics General) » Post 15073

Generals » Don't blame me, I voted for the other guy. (Politics General) » Post 15072

Yoga is boring

@Violet Rose in The Rain  
>the state doesn’t trust the general population  
That’s a main point of what I was trying to say. When the state regulates hate speech, it is basically saying it does not trust the general population to deal with the issues surrounding that speech in a productive manner. If someone called me the N word, the state wouldn’t trust the person and myself to resolve the issue between ourselves, rather the state wants us to trust it to find the solution for us. Frankly, I don’t think the state has earned that trust, not to mention the solution the state comes up with might trample on my individual rights as a citizen. Finally, I don’t need to be coddled by the government. My dignity is only based upon how I view myself, not what someone else thinks. I don’t need the state telling me I need my dignity protected from mean words someone else might say to me. I guess this all boils down to the difference between how Americans view the concept of government vs. the viewpoint of Europeans.

Generals » Don't blame me, I voted for the other guy. (Politics General) » Post 15071

Violet Rose in The Rain
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

@Background Pony #9C68
Who knows, a hundred years from now, your viewpoints could be consided bigoted. What a society deems right and righteous is relative and is capable of changing over time. During the middle ages, I doubt anyone could have imagined that hapf a millenia later, the western world would be built upon secular governance as they considered Christianity and the Church to be the arbiter of the true north of humanity’s moral compass. If you think your views will always be considered fair, just and tolerant by society from here until the end of time, you’re fooling yourself.
That’s funny, I could say the same about “Environmentalists are hypocrites cause they take airplanes” Cyborg, “Liberalism will never have a foothold in America” Shirani and you.
Then again, from your point of view, almost everything is fascism except for actual fascism, which is just free speech, isn’t it?

Generals » Don't blame me, I voted for the other guy. (Politics General) » Post 15070

Yoga is boring

@Background Pony #9C68  
If you and your parent were walking down the street one day and, upon encountering a black person, they called said perso the n word, would you immediately disown them and consider them morally bankrupt? Likely not. While you might consider their viewpoint reprehensible, you would likely not immediately deduce your parent was a bad person from that alone. You even might try to engage your parent in an attempt to change their pov, but I doubt you would just drop them like a hot potato over something like this. Now, are l Pewdiepie and Jontron literal family to their fans, maybe not biologically, but their communities may feel a sense of familiarity with them that goes beyond the simple content creator-consumer relationship that would cause them to not immediately disregard either of them even if both said or did things their fans may disagree with.

Generals » Don't blame me, I voted for the other guy. (Politics General) » Post 15069

Generals » Don't blame me, I voted for the other guy. (Politics General) » Post 15068

Yoga is boring

@Background Pony #9C68  
Who knows, a hundred years from now, your viewpoints could be consided bigoted. What a society deems right and righteous is relative and is capable of changing over time. During the middle ages, I doubt anyone could have imagined that hapf a millenia later, the western world would be built upon secular governance as they considered Christianity and the Church to be the arbiter of the true north of humanity’s moral compass. If you think your views will always be considered fair, just and tolerant by society from here until the end of time, you’re fooling yourself.

Generals » Don't blame me, I voted for the other guy. (Politics General) » Post 15067

Duck - User has been known to often resemble a waterfowl
Wallet After Summer Sale -

So many orphans~Alastor
@Background Pony #06B0  
This is one of the reasons that speech, yes that INCLUDES hate speech ,should be protected. This way the government can’t arbitrarily say what kind of speech is and isn’t offensive. It’s dangerous to let them have that much power.

Generals » Don't blame me, I voted for the other guy. (Politics General) » Post 15066

Violet Rose in The Rain
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

@Violet Rose in The Rain
As a black person, I wouldn’t want the government telling someone they couldn’t say that word. Now, would I be offended were someone to call me that out of malice, sure, but that person and myself can come to a resolution without the government’s help. Stopping that person from saying that wouldn’t stop them from believing in the meaning behind it nor would it allow for a direct response towards that person’s animus as said person would most likely be barred from expressing their viewpoints on race in the public square for fear of legal reprisal. Laws like that only serve to paint a picture of europe covering its ears, saying LALALA at the top of it s lungs in the misguided belief that doing so will eventually make those who disagree with their viewpoints go away. Avoidance doesn’t work for alcoholics and, judging by recent election results in Germany and the subsequent politcal mess that has followed, it isn’t working for Europe either.
You should probably tell him that the reason European countries crack down on hate speech isn’t because it wants to ‘ignore a problem’. It does it in the belief that it is protecting its citizens. Even America cracks down on speech when it believes its citizens are in imminent danger. You can’t peddle snake oil and say it’s a legitimate medical cure. I can’t tell you confidential or classified information. I can’t spread lies about you with the intent of damaging your reputation. And of course, I can’t yell “Fire!” in a crowded theater (speaking literally, not metaphorically). Would you say this is Nazi methodry and thus all these protections should be removed?
The state doesn’t trust the general population to make informed decisions between hucksters selling snake oil and medical professionals, because it knows that enough people will be duped that it will cause widespread harm and death. Thus, they draw a line in the sand. European countries do the same thing in that belief that speech that could be considered offensive, provocative, or threatening is dangerous and could cause harm to a portion of its citizenry.
Free speech is a virtue, and the current restrictions we have on it are ultimately in place to uphold it. If I falsely yell “Fire!” in a crowded theater and threaten the lives of others, I’m endangering their right to life and their right to free speech. So too with libel, which could threaten your livelihood. If you lose your job and your friends and family shun you because I circulated false rumors about you being a pedophile, have I not effectively deprived you of your rights? How could you expect to reintegrate yourself in a democratic society when your very name has become tarnished and strangers threaten violence against you?
In essence, your reputation, your sense of self and self-worth and the way you’re perceived by others, is inherently a part of you. In America I can’t call a doctor a quack in America if it demeans his reputation and restricts his liberty. How is it not the same if I were to say that that doctor, based on his race, is inferior and should be exterminated? Am I not demeaning his reputation? Am I not effectively threatening him through my hate speech and restricting his freedom to be respected and hold credibility among his peers?

Generals » Don't blame me, I voted for the other guy. (Politics General) » Post 15065

Darth Sonic
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends.
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.

@Violet Rose in The Rain  
Ma’am, with all due respect, I really don’t give a flying shit. My statement was about the current absurdity of this discourse, so whether you’re triggered or not does not change the fact that this thread has entered the realm of parody.
Though congrats on the thicker skin, I guess.

Generals » Don't blame me, I voted for the other guy. (Politics General) » Post 15064

Background Pony #A991
Do note that the Weimar was a mess of a republic to begin with, and Nazis received at first much support from groups they would later crush, such as a significant number of gays. Hitler was jailed before he became a chancellor. It was just the will of the people that they wanted someone to bring them back from economic ruin brought about by the Great Depression and the Versailles Treaty.

Generals » Don't blame me, I voted for the other guy. (Politics General) » Post 15063

Generals » Don't blame me, I voted for the other guy. (Politics General) » Post 15062

Generals » Don't blame me, I voted for the other guy. (Politics General) » Post 15061

Duck - User has been known to often resemble a waterfowl
Wallet After Summer Sale -

So many orphans~Alastor
@Background Pony #9C68  
I was making a point that what the Weimar republic had as laws, which included laws against offensive speech, was used by the Nazis to consolidate their power and effectively usurp the government which consolidated into a dictatorship.

Generals » Don't blame me, I voted for the other guy. (Politics General) » Post 15060


Well if he upholds the law despite prejudice, then nothing is wrong.
Thing is, that almost never happens. You get sheriffs who refer to the projects and ghettos as “the battlegrounds” and loving Stop and Frisk as a program to stop non-white citizens.

Generals » Don't blame me, I voted for the other guy. (Politics General) » Post 15059

Generals » Don't blame me, I voted for the other guy. (Politics General) » Post 15058

Background Pony #7C1A
Then it seems that these people need standards then and stop compromising. Then they wouldn’t feel so persecuted when people call them out in the future? I voted for Hillary but I never excused her behavior and actions like everyone else did for her and are doing for Trump. That’s a conflict of morals to me.

Generals » Don't blame me, I voted for the other guy. (Politics General) » Post 15057

Duck - User has been known to often resemble a waterfowl
Wallet After Summer Sale -

So many orphans~Alastor
@Background Pony #9C68  
“Hillary will win for sure!” >Trump gets elected by over 40 electoral votes.  
Also as an addendum to this point Hitler WAS legitimately elected as chancellor and he used the previous laws of the Weimar republic to make Germany into a dictatorship.

Generals » Don't blame me, I voted for the other guy. (Politics General) » Post 15056

Generals » Don't blame me, I voted for the other guy. (Politics General) » Post 15055

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