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Pony Discussion » Crack Pairings that you think should get more love? » Post 2

luna the great!
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2017) - Celebrated Derpibooru's five year anniversary with friends.
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
Artist -

Alicorn enthusiast
While I’ve seen it shipped a few times… Lunajack. I ship this, and I’ve found next to nothing of art or stories.
And though my other main MLP ship is Twicord, which is popular, I do wonder what Discord/Lyra would be like. I don’t know how I came up with that, but I’ve never seen it shipped. This could be called ‘Heartcord’ which sounds really cool.
…Do we have to stick to pony pairings? Because I could easily list off a few that I ship that no one else seems to.

Pony Discussion » Crack Pairings that you think should get more love? » Post 1

Background Pony #CE2C
Fleur de Lis x Amira. Inspiration? Just a random thought of mine that expanded and I somehow convinced Raithial to make a picture of this pairing.

Pony Discussion » Crack Pairings that you think should get more love? » Topic Opener

Thread Starter - Sonic Discussion

Pucci Enjoyer
We all have them - that pairing that nobody else seems to ship. We may feel nervous about telling others our opinions, but at the same time you want this pairing to become the OTP of the fanon!  
So this is a topic for everyone to get their crack shippings off their chests! If possible, say what inspired the pairing too~!
I’ll start:
Symphony x Ballad.  
Inspired by Tritebristle’s Heartstrings comics in chapter 4’s musician guild. I just think they’d make a great senpai/kohai pairing and IT NEEDS WAY MORE PUBLICITY BECAUSE ONLY ME AND ONE OTHER PERSON SHIP THIS!!!!!

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