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Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7763

Non-Fungible Trixie -
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Chippin’ In
As embarrassing as this is to admit it, the last 3 1/2 weeks have probably been the most productive I’ve ever been. For the first two weeks, I was able to knock out a chapter by Saturday. For my most recent chapter, I ended up missing this deadline by a pretty wide margin, but that’s mostly because I ended up breaking a chapter into two parts, and that second part ended up being much longer than I intended.

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7762

Starlight Glimmer - For supporting the site
Starlight Glimmer - For supporting the site
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Happy Derpy! - For site supporters
Silver Supporter - Silver Supporter
Pixel Perfection - Hot Pockets Spotted
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Crystal Roseluck - Had their OC in the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~

I'm Pointless
Sorry to randomly drop in, but is anyone here able to read my ideas for a story? maybe cut out all the unneeded fluff from it so I can work on it for a potential comic?

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7759

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7758

Artist -

I’ve been considering adapting a text-based roleplay adventure I’ve been doing into a proper fanfiction for a while, complete with cleaning things up for consistency and snazzing up the language a bit. But there’s still a few things I don’t really know for certain. Would it be better to keep the script-style dialogue tags and lean into that as a format, or do I really need to put in the hours to adapt it to more literary “he said, she exclaimed”? Would it be better to be honest and include uncomfortable and nsfw implications in from the outset, or should those bits be separated as optional content for other stories?
I suppose I’m really just looking for advice on how to get the full story out there without alienating the few people that might be following along already.
Posted Report

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7756

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7755

Background Pony #0EFE
“At last. Welcome, Anon. As you, no doubt, have guessed, I am Perseus.”
“It’s an honor to meet you.”
“No. The honor is mine. Please, come, sit down. I imagine, right now, that you’re a bit like Luna. Walking through a dream?”
“You could say that.”
“I can see it in your eyes, Anon. You have the look of a pony who accepts what he sees, because he is expecting to wake up from a dream. Ironically, this is not far from the truth. Do you believe in fate, Anon?”
“Why not?”
“Because i don’t like the idea that i’m not in control of my own life.”
“I know exactly what you mean. Let me tell you why you’re here, Anon. You’re here because you know something. What you know, you can’t explain, but you feel it. You’ve felt it your entire life, Anon. That there’s something wrong with the world, you don’t know what it is, but it’s there. Like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It’s this feeling that has brought you to me, Anon. Do you know what i’m talking about?”
“No. Equestria Online?”
“Anon, do you want to know what it is?”
“Equestria Online is everywhere. It is all around us, Anon. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window, or when you turn on your television set. You can feel it when you go to work, when you get a haircut, when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been placed over your eyes to blind you from the truth.”
“What truth, Perseus?”
“That you are a slave, Anon. Like everyone else here, you are secretly in bondage, trapped inside a gilded cage that you can’t smell or taste or touch. A prison, for your mind. Unfortunately, no pony can be told what Equestria Online is. You have to see it for yourself, Anon.”
“This is your last chance, Anon. After this, there is no turning back. You take the green pill, the story ends. You wake up in your house and believe what you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in the dream and i’ll show you how far it can go.”
“Remember, Anon. All i’m offering is the truth. Nothing more.”

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7754

Background Pony #D8DF
Microsoft Windows [version 10.0.19045.4170]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\Users\Twilight Sparkle> cd F:\
F:> dir
Volume in unit F is The Truth Beckons
Volume Serial Number is GYUI-7U8I
Directory of F:\
24/03/2024 15:10 <DIR> Intel
27/03/2022 15:09 <DIR> Perflogs
24/03/2024 15:15 <DIR> Program Files
24/03/2024 12:01 <DIR> Program Files (x86)
24/03/2024 15:15 <DIR> the-truth-beckons!innuit-veritas
24/03/2022 15:11 <DIR> temp
24/03/2022 15:09 <DIR> Users
24/03/2024 15:16 <DIR> Windows
21/03/2024 12:21 <DIR> XboxGames
F:> cd “the-truth-beckons!innuit-veritas”
F:\the-truth-beckons!innuit-veritas> dir
Volume in unit F is The Truth Beckons
Volume Serial Number is GYUI-7U8I
Directory of F:\the-truth-beckons!innuit-veritas
27/07/2023 16:01 1.021 New Text Document.txt
07/11/2023 18:25 622 New Text Document (1).txt
11/11/2023 06:41 803 New Text Document (2).txt
21/12/2023 12:55 756 New Text Document (3).txt
24/03/2024 15:15 1.256 New Text Document (4).txt
24/03/2024 15:15 <DIR> evidence
F:\the-truth-beckons!innuit-veritas> type “New Text Document.txt”
Journal Log 1 - Red Light
27 July 2023
They think we’re stupid, that Celestia and Luna did nothing wrong, that we have no idea what we’re talking about. But we know the thousand-year truth. We know it. Damn the Royal Guards. Damn the totalitarian measures the Sisters put in place to silence us! We will let all of Equestria know the truth, even if it’s the last thing we do! The secrets have to be revealed, and we are the ones who will drag them from the shadows and cast them into the spotlight for all the world to see! They deny everything. They don’t want to believe the deposed King and the Crystal Emperor, and all the bad things Celestia did, even existed/happened! Her redacting of History was thorough. But we know where the secret records are, where the so-called Diary is, in a place guarded by armed RGs patrolling every corner and surveillance officers calculating our every move. They’re careful, but not careful enough. I’ve found a loophole, a way in, and me and my friends intend to exploit it very soon.
F:\the-truth-beckons!innuit-veritas> type “New Text Document (1).txt”
Journal Log 2 - Red Light
7 November 2023
We are ready. Conditions are perfect, the tools are ready. All we need to do is go. It’ll take multiple break-ins due to the available time, but it’s most certainly doable, given what we have, we know where most everything is. The first break-in is tonight. The Royal Guards will have a shift rotation, during which most of the site will be empty. That’s when we will strike. For far too long, they have hidden the truth from us. We once bought into their propaganda, believed everything they told us to believe. But now we know the truth. And soon, so will Equestria’s proletariat.
F:\the-truth-beckons!innuit-veritas> type “New Text Document (2).txt”
Journal Log 3 - Red Light
11 November 2023
We did it! We’ve done it! The proof, after four break-ins, all of the evidence is in our possession! All these documents… the evidence we need to prove Celestia is a tyrant, that everything they told us, all of Equestrian history, is a lie! By the new year, all of Equestria will know the truth! Now let’s try to see the Princesses attempting to weasel their way out of this one while making petty excuses to their citizens. The only reason they’ve had control over the narrative for this long is because of the lack of proof on our part. Now that’s all over. Now we have proof. The moment the coast is clear, we’re showing this off to the world. But for now, we need to lay low. There’s no telling how long it’ll take for the Guards to discover how we did it.
F:\the-truth-beckons!innuit-veritas> type “New Text Document (3).txt”
Journal Log 4 - Red Light
21 December 2023
We’ve been discovered! The RGs are closing in! How on Earth did they find out? What thing did we miss? I thought we’d covered our tracks, but there must be something we have overlooked. The access logs were rewritten, the surveillance tapes were replaced… that only leaves Silver Sable! That Royal Guard bastard! She approached us saying she wanted to expose Celestia’s lies and crack her dictatorship wide open, and all the while, that royal glowie was playing us like fools! She just wanted to get us caught, to bring us out into the open so the Sisters could eliminate us! Well, that little trick is not going to work! The Royal Guards will never find us, and they’ll never get their hooves on these documents!
F:\the-truth-beckons!innuit-veritas> type “New Text Document (4).txt”
Journal Log 5 - Red Light
24 March 2024
I don’t know if i can make it. Skylight and Puddle Jumper have been sent to the moon. Cloud Catcher and Blazing Saddle have been turned into statues that adorn some random place. Green Light, my brother, has been shipped off to the mysterious Rainbow Factory, he’s probably waiting to be killed and have his colors extracted. I am the last remaining member of Innuit Veritas. I’m not sure how much longer i’ll be safe here, so i’m running off to the Griffish Isles to reveal everything. Before i leave, i’m placing this hard drive, copies of the documents, and some other stuff inside a specially-constructed magic safe with a biometric lock trigger. It’ll take a big genius hacker to hack the safe and decrypt this hard drive, and the safe can withstand anything they throw at it, magic or otherwise. Tomorrow, before i leave with the evidence, i’ll take this safe and all that’s in it to the desert and bury it where they’ll never find it. If i don’t make it, then hopefully, one day, somepony else will discover the evidence and realize that they hold the key to unlocking the truth about Equestria and its history. All they would need to do is succeed where we have failed. May i make it out safely, and good luck to us all.

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7753

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7752

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7751

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7750

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7749

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7748

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7747

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7746

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7745

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7743

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7742

Artist -

Hey guys. It’s been a while lol
Anyway, I wrote a little something for my story, sort of like a “prologue” I’d say.
It’s an attempt at poetry :V
“Legacy of a dying star”
There was once a star that refused to die, because when stars die, they eat the light and leave nothing behind. But it refused to keep living as it was as well, so a new legacy was created instead, because ancestors never die; they live within their successors.
From a dying star’s conscience, it emerged; SHE was created, surpassing time before reaching ground and decaying. The universe’s beacon of awareness was born.
Multiplication by multiplication, SHE materialized. Little by little, the roots emerged.
With a new legacy born, the reign of the unanimated was no longer alone.
The new conscience arrived. The chaos in the surface greeted her with enthusiasm.
“A new legacy begins” they sing.
“Let us design it your way” SHE hears.
And so, through pure instinct, SHE begins HER procedures, before the one who always comes back with time arrives.
“These little dots shall be our legacy” SHE adds.
Millions and millions of possibilities the unanimated will never understand are the reason for their elevation.
Because of death, there is life. And because of life, there is death.
“They shall be only used to elevate life” SHE warned the unanimated.
“For the evil sibling of time is always waiting”.
“Our little dots and strings of life shall define us” they all concluded. For SHE will never die; SHE will live within the embryos of the underground.
Multiplication by multiplication, THEY emerged: the lords of dots and strings.
The trees and the beasts followed, and they too recieved THEIR blessings.
Coded one by one, with each new sequence created, they differentiated from each other.
“The inmortality of legacy shall define US” THEY said. And so, they emerged from the depths.
THEIR eternal duty shall THEY take, for ancestors never die; they live within their successors.
THEY became the new encoders: the ambassadors of life.
My writing skills are a bit rusty, so feel free to correct me on anything.

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7741

Non-Fungible Trixie -
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Chippin’ In
I mentioned this before, but I occasionally use NovelAI or one of its derivatives to help generate ideas if I get stuck during writing. Now, I don’t use the AI to write the story for me, because it usually starts going off the rails almost immediately- but rather I use it to bridge the gaps between scenes in the story, which admittedly has always been a weak point of mine. I feed the AI relevant text, have it try to generate the next few lines, and then go from there.
But, I have to admit, I may want to start using NovelAI a bit more, since I found out it has something called Lorebook. I haven’t had a chance to really try it out, but it looks like you can make entries about aspects of your story- characters, locations, and so forth- fill in relevant information, and the AI can generate content based on those entries.

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7740

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7738

Pixel Perfection - I still call her Lightning Bolt
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
A Really Hyper Artist - 500+ images under their artist tag
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
A Really Classy Artist - 250+ images under their artist tag
Artist -

reformation is the best
I have an AU going on but I made polls that have to deal with a problem regarding a pack in my AU look:
I wanted native amarican due to the pack (they are ponies who turn into wolves) who live near where appaloosa would be so I thought that native amarican could fit but i don’t want to cause anything bad even though this is MY OWN creation and has no connection to any existing tribe but with the worry I had to ask and stuff but now im thinking of making this pack be more like Hobbits/halflings.
I have an idea for thier housing yo be more hobbit like but now I feel like I want to change the main culture to be more hobbit but I want to keep the headdress like one of the options I have on the poll (mainly the more simple one) so you can have something that shows who is the leader and I want it to refect the environment so dry grass would be the case.
My idea is that
Culture is more hobbit/halfling
With a mix of having great respect towards the sun (almost religiously-like) and a mix of prairie dog for security reasons.
Clothing is a mix of hobbit/halfling with long fabrics of clothing over the shoulder for the king and the males of the pack (females would wear them for winter) and having symbols of the sun on clothing and jewelery and on the headdress for the king, wearing dry grass is an accessory that disqungues this pack from others.
This is what I had so far and once I get the head dress with the most votes I would change it a bit and hope the final result won’t offend anyone
But I still want your advice so I know what to do

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7737

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7735

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7734

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7732

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