Twilight Sparkle might have the lowest personal agency of any main protagonist throughout mainstream fiction. She lives to please a certain someone at the beginning episodes, and she is just as much living for that person’s expectations by the end regardless of how much power is given to her or how much time has passed.
I don’t want to turn this unpopular opinion into a bashing, so lets create a list.
I want people on this forum to bring up characters they know in fiction. A list of main protagonists in fiction that have equal or less personal agency:
Obvious criteria:
(they cannot be robots or silent protagonists)
(hobbies are not life choices or important decisions, one can still have interests but still have no agency)
(one must consider the level of exposure, the sheer number of opportunities one can act on their own agency but defer to living up to someone’s expections in a 9 season fully voiced series is rather large. Obviously an example doesn’t have to be that long a series, but enough exposure to see plenty of opportunities where life decisions are given to them and they either desire to do the role expected of them to the letter, or make choices based their own desires)
Obvious criteria:
(they cannot be robots or silent protagonists)
(hobbies are not life choices or important decisions, one can still have interests but still have no agency)
(one must consider the level of exposure, the sheer number of opportunities one can act on their own agency but defer to living up to someone’s expections in a 9 season fully voiced series is rather large. Obviously an example doesn’t have to be that long a series, but enough exposure to see plenty of opportunities where life decisions are given to them and they either desire to do the role expected of them to the letter, or make choices based their own desires)