Alternate Endings and Deleted Scenes: Warp the show for fun and profit!

My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
Since the Beginning  -

nobody's favorite
I’d like to see pony counterparts of any Equestria Girls characters, even if it’s just as a background pony and/or their counterpart is just a background human. Obviously, I’d love if at least one of them got a speaking role, but that sadly seems a bit too much to hope for.
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
Since the Beginning  -

nobody's favorite
Surf and/or Turf  
(Warning: suggestive)
Apple Bloom: “Then, in the Battle of Canterlot, when Applejack defeated the Storm King— “
Twilight Sparkle: “Wait, what? She told you she defeated him? By herself?”
Apple Bloom: “Uh, maybe she didn’t say that exactly…”
Twilight: “Okay, what did she say about the movie?”
Apple Bloom: “Hard to tell, she was kinda grumblin’ under her breath. Sounded like she was mad the director wouldn’t be friends with her, though.”
Twilight: “You sure you heard her right?”
Apple Bloom: “Yeah, she told Big Mac that everypony but her and Fluttershy got real friendly with the director and that’s why she didn’t get to do nothin’.”
(Twilight’s face turns bright red. Sweetie Belle just stares in shock while Scootaloo tries not to burst out laughing.)
Twilight: “So… Who wants to change the subject?”
Sweetie Belle: “Me! Definitely me!“
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

The ‘Hollywood casting couch’ where young ladies (and sometimes men) get manipulated into having sex with a producer in exchange for a role – or here, a bigger part – in the film.
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
Since the Beginning  -

nobody's favorite
Surf and/or Turf
Sky Beak: “But first, let’s show the princess some real Mount Aris hospitality! To the refreshment tent for a stein of salmon juice!”
Apple Bloom: “Hold up. Did you just say you’re drinkin’ salmon juice?”
Sky Beak: “Why, yes.”
Apple Bloom: “You mean juice… From a salmon? As in the actual fish?”
Sky Beak: “What else would it be?”
Apple Bloom: “…Y’all need Celestia.”
Ocean Flow: “Oh, well, maybe your friends would like a snack while we’re gone? Some kelp chips? Fish oil tea?”
Apple Bloom: “What is he MATTER with you people?! How could you DRINK that?”
Scootaloo: “Hey, how do you drink stuff underwater? Is it those Capri Sun pouches like astronauts use? Please tell me it’s those Capri Sun pouches like astronauts use!”
Sweetie Belle: “If you live in the water, do you even get thirsty?”
Apple Bloom: “…I’d be fine not gettin’ answers to that…”
Apple Bloom: “All right, Terramar, we’ve talked it over…”
Scootaloo: “When did we do that?”
Apple Bloom: “..And we’re ready to make our recommendation.”
Sweetie Belle: “No we’re not!”
Apple Bloom: “We think you should move to Equestria like your sister!”
Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle: “WHAT?!”
Terramar: “That wasn’t one of the choices.”
Apple Bloom: “Terry… Can I call ya Terry?”
Terramar: “No.”
Apple Bloom: “I ain’t known you too long, Terry, but I’d like to think we’re friends. And as a friend, I just can’t let you get stuck drinkin’ troutshakes for the rest of your life. You ever even seen fresh fruit?”
Terrammar: “You know what? Maybe I can just flip a coin…”
Seriously, though, I don’t how the hippogriffs/sea ponies wound up with those unholy fish-based beverages, but I’m surprised nopony in the episode said anything about it.
Frustration in Excelsis
Notoriously Divine Tagger - Consistently uploads images above and beyond the minimum tag requirements. And/or additionally, bringing over the original description from the source if the image has one. Does NOT apply to the uploader adding several to a dozen tags after originally uploading with minimum to bare tagging.
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Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger
Magnificent Metadata Maniac -

Worldbuilding Addict
Seriously, though, I don’t how the hippogriffs/sea ponies wound up with those unholy fish-based beverages, but I’m surprised nopony in the episode said anything about it.
I do think it’s worth keeping in mind that since the hippogriffs have the heads of eagles, they presumably also have the taste buds of eagles. If you’re by nature a hypercarnivorous fish-eater geared towards associating the taste of fish meat with good food, most of your recreational foods and beverages are going to reflect that.
I mean, the reason most of our recreational foods and beverages are either made of, taste like or resemble fruit (small, compact, colorful and often chewy – a lot of candies are essentially artificial berries) is because the primates we evolved from were primarily fruit eaters, so those are the things we instinctively associated with good, high-nutrition food and want to eat.
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
Since the Beginning  -

nobody's favorite
@Frustration in Excelsis
Reasonable theory, but it would imply that most of their actual digestive system is that of a horse, meaning what their taste buts are attuned to doesn’t match what their stomachs actually need. An eagle would turn up its nose (well, beak) at anything remotely vegetable, but the horse half of a hippogriff would need to eat plants to survive.
And either way, I can’t help but feel that Appple Bloom, for whom fresh fruit is literally a way of life, might not be too keen on the whole fish juice thing.
Frustration in Excelsis
Notoriously Divine Tagger - Consistently uploads images above and beyond the minimum tag requirements. And/or additionally, bringing over the original description from the source if the image has one. Does NOT apply to the uploader adding several to a dozen tags after originally uploading with minimum to bare tagging.
Artist -
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger
Magnificent Metadata Maniac -

Worldbuilding Addict
Reasonable theory, but it would imply that most of their actual digestive system is that of a horse, meaning what their taste buts are attuned to doesn’t match what their stomachs actually need. An eagle would turn up its nose (well, beak) at anything remotely vegetable, but the horse half of a hippogriff would need to eat plants to survive.
Hm. That reminds me of the myrmecoleon, a sort of joke creature from medieval bestiaries with the body of an ant and the head of a lion. It’s doomed to starve, because the lion head can only eat meat and the ant body can only digest grain.
Regardless, I would assume that the hippogriffs’ digestive systems are probably capable of processing meat, if only because that’s what it seems their mouths are meant to handle. If we have a race that canonically eats fish-based foods as at least a portion of their diet and they don’t seem to be starving, then it’s a reasonable inference that they can digest fish meat. I’d assume they’re probably omnivores.
And either way, I can’t help but feel that Appple Bloom, for whom fresh fruit is literally a way of life, might not be too keen on the whole fish juice thing.
Oh, no question there. I don’t think there are many people in real life who’d be too keen on drinking salmon juice, and most humans like seafood, or at least some kinds. I kinda want to see an episode where Pinkie has to throw a party for a hippogriff now, if only to see how the catering would work out. And how ponies would react to the foods and drinks hippogriffs would find tasty.
… actually, I have to wonder. What would a griffon like Gilda or Gallus think of salmon juice?
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

@Frustration in Excelsis
… actually, I have to wonder. What would a griffon like Gilda or Gallus think of salmon juice? [/bq]
I doubt it would bother them very much; they are predators/carnivores* after all. I imagine griffons eat a lot of fish when they can.
  • – Even if they can eat scones in the setting.
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
Since the Beginning  -

nobody's favorite
Regardless, I would assume that the hippogriffs’ digestive systems are probably capable of processing meat, if only because that’s what it seems their mouths are meant to handle. If we have a race that canonically eats fish-based foods as at least a portion of their diet and they don’t seem to be starving, then it’s a reasonable inference that they can digest fish meat. I’d assume they’re probably omnivores.
I’m with you there (and I was waiting for the inevitable “horses can eat meat” thing to get brought up anyhow), I just meant that I doubt they can live healthy lives eating only meat.
@Frustration in Excelsis  
That reminds me of the myrmecoleon, a sort of joke creature from medieval bestiaries with the body of an ant and the head of a lion. It’s doomed to starve, because the lion head can only eat meat and the ant body can only digest grain.
Oh wow, that’s great!
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
Since the Beginning  -

nobody's favorite
Surf and/or Turf
Sweetie Belle: What’s that wonderful sound?
Terramar: “Those are the Harmonizing Heights. Legend says that—”
Sweetie Belle: (Zoom!)
Terramar: “…No trespasser ever leaves there alive. Well, crap.”
Scootaloo: “…Sweetie Belle… no…”
Apple Bloom: “We have to save her!”
Terramar: “Wait! If you go in after her you’ll-”
Apple Bloom: “Well, then, I… guess we dodged a bullet there? Sort of?”
Terramar: (Facepalm)
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
Since the Beginning  -

nobody's favorite
So I just realized something needed saying here:
Apple Bloom: Is queen Novo around?
Sweetie Belle: Or the princess?
Scootaloo: Can we meet them!?
Terramar: Hey, if you can pay for Uzo and Kristen to show up, I’m sure they’d be happy to. (the CMCs shake their heads)
Sweetie Belle: guest voice rates suck.
Twilight: Don’t complain, those rates helped prevent your sister from getting with a cat-man.
Sweetie Belle: Yay, guest voice rates!
Apple Bloom: “No, they still suck! I just met my grandad not that long ago, and I’ll never see him again unless they shell out for Shatner to come back!”
(Sorry, felt like I had to.)
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

dead to you
(Sorry, felt like I had to.)
Oh, you were right to add that, it’s a good point. But…
Twilight: uh, ha ha, maybe you didn’t hear me. They prevented Rarity from getting together with a cat-man.  
Apple Bloom: Oh, Ah’m not sayin’ it ain’t worth it. Just that it’s not entirely great. Ah mean, Grand Pear-Pear is an okay pony an’ Celestia knows I’d love to see Cheese San’wich again, but…they can just be mentioned in letters, if that’s what it takes to prevent Rarity from hookin’ up with a cat-man.  
Sweetie Belle: A criminal cat-man who almost sold her into some kind of unwilling servitude. Can’t forget that.  
Scootaloo: Wait, I thought Capper helped you guys take back Canterlot.  
Twilight: not in the most effective way, but yeah, I guess an attempt was made.  
Scootaloo: So, he’s reformed! What’s wrong with him and Rarity being together?  
Twilight: He’s so much taller than she is.  
Scootaloo: So?  
Sweetie Belle: You like visiting me at Carousel Boutique, right?  
Scootaloo: Of course!  
Sweetie Belle: Well, I bet he would be over a lot, too. Do you want a faceful of cat-ass every time he bends over to make out with Rarity? ‘Cause I sure don’t!  
Scootaloo: (considers…her face sours) Point taken.
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

dead to you
Horse Play
On-Stage: Let’s try viz-yoo-a-liz-ay-see-awn!  
Spike: and then let’s try not talking like that. seriously, why?  
On-Stage: And…you’re skiing!  
Raspberry Beret: Whoosh! Whoosh! Oh, it’s so snowy today! Brr. I’m getting chilly, ha ha!  
Celestia: Should I get you a blanket?  
Raspberry Beret: I fear it would catch the wind and slow me d-  
On-Stage: All abooooOOOArd!  
Raspberry Beret: or you go, that’s fine too…  
On-Stage: The Ponyville Express is leaving the station! (train sounds)  
Spike: so, he does know how ‘-ation’ is supposed to be pronounced. pretentious git.  
Celestia: It is? I don’t see anything.  
Raspberry Beret: Let’s be weeping willows in the wind! We are strong in the face of adversity, yet supple as we bow to fate.  
On-Stage: Well? What do you feel?  
Celestia: mmmm, nothing. Oh! The classroom floor under my hooves! Does that count?  
Raspberry Beret: I think I see what’s going on, if I might… it’s for a good cause, it’s for a good cause… break character?  
On-Stage: Gasp! Outr-r-r-r-r-r-r-rageous! …proceed.  
Raspberry Beret: Princess Celestia, with all due respect and just a touch more, what do you think acting is?  
Celestia: Fr-friendship?  
Raspberry Beret: While that can certainly be a part of it (looks at On-Stage) or not, (back to Celestia) acting is, in its essence, a deception!  
Celestia: What!? But why can’t we be honest with our audience?  
Raspberry Beret: Because The Illusion demands it! You will be playing yourself in the upcoming performance, but your co-stars don’t have that luxury… and that curse! The story is of how you raised the sun for the first time, an event I believe Starswirl the Bearded witnessed. Will he be playing himself?  
Twilight: No, he refused to do anything that wouldn’t allow him to be stuffy at ponies. One of my students, Sandbar, is playing him.  
Raspberry Beret: And should this young actor simply come out onstage…  
On-Stage: Whassat?  
Raspberry Beret: …and announce that he is not really Starswirl, what would happen to the authenticity of the play?  
Spike: (makes a fart sound while giving a thumbs-down)  
Celestia: So acting is friendship…and pretending?  
Raspberry Beret: In a sense.  
Celestia: …Oooooh! So you were pretending to be skiing and in a box and on a train! You’d think a millennia-old princess with actor friends would know something like that. Okay, let’s try again, and this time, I will…act!  
(she gets better. but she still bad, play’s in trouble.)
Spike: Good luck. Nopony’s gonna volunteer to try to tame that.  
Rarity: No pony, indeed.  
Spike: You’re really gonna make me go out there because of the pronoun I used?  
Pinkie Pie: It’s current year, silly. Pronouns are serious business!  
Spike: hm topical. Fine. But I’ll need a few things. Pinkie, AJ and Rainbow, I’ll need that box of bowling pins from the prop area. Starlight and Rarity, a couple pieces of the broken sun from under the stage.  
all: On it! (they leave to gather the things. Spike isn’t there when they get back)  
Applejack: In hindsight, we should’a figured he might do that.  
Rarity: Don’t fret, I’ll get him back. (ahem) Oh, no, I’m being slightly inconvenienced on the stage! If only some short dragon could help me!  
(Spike rushes onto the stage, finds no Rarity in trouble and frowns)  
Spike: i’m starting to think this crush that’s gone unrequited for years is more trouble than it’s worth. H-hey, everyone! I’m your opening act, Spike! So, a family of four walks into a talent agent’s office…
(audience boos)  
Spike: Good news: free food! (he eats a tomato) Bad news, they’re booing a kid who was clearly scared to be on-stage.  
On-Stage: Whassat?  
Spike: Get outta heeeeere!
Celestia: Pinkie, Rarity, Twilight and…  
Applejack: Hat Rack.  
Celestia: Of course, Hat Rack. Go calm the audience. That’s a four-pony job, probably. (they go to do just that, Applejack muttering “ah knew she didn’t know mah name!”) Starlight, do you have a copy of the script? (she dooooo) Spike, you narrate.  
Spike: Oh sure, that’s totally a thing I’m prepared to do.  
Celestia: Fluttershy will be playing the lead role. (Fluttershy panics) Visualize with me. You’re a princess. You’re regal and wise and all the stallions think you’re the hottest mare ever. But you’ll never let them touch you. Because you don’t have time for all that. You’re a career mare and that life gives you fulfillment. You’re a better princess than your sister, but too modest to remind her, except when she needs it. You have a lovely singing voice. You’re shipped with a green guy and it caught on for some reason. You just got your first you-centered episode.  
Spike, from the episode as it actually went: Where the hay was this during the acting class!?!
Spike: Once upon a time, before ‘Celes-cha’…sorry, ‘Celestia’… Equestria was suffering terrible hardship.  
Luna: heh-heh-heh. he said ‘hardship’.  
Spike: Raising the sun was so hard…  
audience: How hard was it?  
Spike: …th-that it took five unicorn sorcerers, and Starswirl the Bearded…  
Starswirl: Whoooo, Starswirl rocks!!  
Spike: …to do it.  
(audience laughs)  
some mare: You call those ‘great sorcerers’!?  
Twilight: Oh no. The audience is being rump-holes to children, or at best, young teens! What do we do?  
Celestia: Spike! Improvise! (Spike glares at her)  
Spike: Thanks, that’s super-helpful. (sighs) Well, historically, it was great sorcerers. But since Twilight hasn’t found the spell to bring the real ones back, along with a world-threatening evil yet, we’ll be using actors. You know. Because it’s a play. Put on by students who took time out of their lives to entertain you and celebrate princess Celestia. I mean, you knew what this was, right? What were you expecting? Did you think we cloned the real ancient sorcerers who went to a farm upstate over a thousand years before anyone you know was born?  
mare: n-no…  
Spike: And yet here you are, disrupting a play because the costumes, made to look like the tattered rags ancients often wore…by the way…don’t look perfect from where you’re sitting. Like a yak! Like a yak would do! Is that what you wanna be? A yak? Huh?  
Smolder: hey, yona, you gonna take that?  
Yona: no, dragon has fair point. yak do kinda suck.  
Ocellus: i wonder why i didn’t shape-shift into my character.  
Spike: You feel good about what you did here tonight? Because you shouldn’t!  
mare: i-it was just an obser-…vation…  
Spike: Yes, it was. Here’s another observation: your plot is flabby and awful!  
mare: i-ve been too tired to…i mean, i was just saying…  
Spike: No, shut up! All of you! This whole thing has been one disaster after another, and I’m sick of it! I’ve been dealing with Twilight’s stress, the rest of the crew’s stress, Rarity’s stress because I love her…  
all of Equestria: We know!  
Spike: …Fluttershy’s stress at having to be in a play, despite being friggin’ FLUTTERSHY!! Not to mention the students’ stresses about performing! Six!! Six students, all with anxieties about tonight! And you! Heckled them! Worse than that, you weren’t even funny about it! Now Maud, she was a heckler worth pausing a show for. What you said, though? That was just dumb and boring and you all should be ashamed for laughing at it. (the crowd hangs their heads) …twits. Anyway, on with the show!  
Starlight: i think spike needs a break.  
Twilight: he hates those.  
Spike: No, I don’t!
Twilight: In all the commotion, I forgot we don’t have a sun!  
Celestia: We’ll play charades (makes it look like Fluttershy raised the sun)  
audience: Whooo, it’s that thing we see every single day!  
Thunderlane: Fluttershy can raise the sun!  
Noteworthy: We no longer need Celestia!  
some mare: Fluttershy for new princess!  
Shoeshine: Depose the old princess! Revolution!!  
Celestia: Oh, dear.  
Twilight: Also, that’s not what playing charades is.
Celestia: Judging by how many flowers the audience threw after I quelled their pitiful excuse for a revolution, it seems our play was a success.  
Fluttershy: i’m just sorry you never got a chance to be in it.  
Celestia: you’re so kissable when you’re me…! I mean, you shouldn’t. I never felt I had to be on-stage to b-  
On-Stage: Whassat?  
Spike: I thought I told you to get outta here!!  
Celestia: I just wanted to bond with you all over artistry. And I did, so…that’s pretty neat.  
Twilight: Thank you for saving our play, princess Celestia.  
Spike: (grumbles)  
Celestia: Of course. But from now on, none of you will have to call me ‘princess’ anymore.  
all: Huh?  
Celestia: No. Because I’m giving up the throne to become an actress, full-time!  
Luna: The hay, you are! I am not becoming the princess of all time so you may pursue your hobby, at which you were said to be very bad! In fact, should you give up your status as princess, I will do the same. Perhaps Cadance is not yet ready to rule all of Equestria, but nor am I! I…I cannot cope with such stress! It is too much, I tell you!! Too much!!!  
Celestia: …I was going for a ‘gotcha’ moment.  
Luna: Oh.  
Starlight: Wow, the government is a lot more fragile than I thought.  
Celestia: But since I convinced all of you I was giving up the crown, perhaps I’m not such a bad actress after all.  
Twilight: …what?  
Celestia: In fact, a thousand years ago, I was quite an accomplished actress. Acting like I was bad at it was perhaps my greatest performance yet!  
Twilight/Spike: You could act this whole time!?! (scream of profound frustration)  
(the others laugh, a curtain closes on the episode)  
Rarity: Where did that red curtain come from? Who drew it? Is… is our reality a play!?
(ending theme plays. the cast credits appear)  
Raspberry Beret: Wait, wait, wait. The students are listed in the credits, but I’m not? They didn’t even say anything! Get my agent on the phone!  
On-Stage: Here you go.  
Raspberry Beret: *Not a pantomime phone!!*
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

I almost died laughing while reading this. I especially love how Spike’s getting so tired of everyone’s shyayt and Ponyville’s little anti-Celestia rebellion.
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
Since the Beginning  -

nobody's favorite
A single line that could have ended “Horse Play” in half the time:
Applejack: “If you don’t tell her, I will.”
I’m not so sure AB would consider that trade-off worth it (for the Apples, family is right up there with tradition and fresh produce in terms of importance), but I suppose that’s a matter of opinion. And since it’s your version of the scene, your opinion is almost certainly the more relevant one.
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