As those last words escaped the Princess’s mouth, the crowd erupted in cheers. The newlywed couple embraced, staring deep into each other’s eye. Not far away stood the other newlyweds, a certain pair of Wonderbolt mares. Spike’s mother-figure, Twilight Sparkle, blushed as a pink party pony inched towards her. A heavily pregnant Applejack nuzzled her husband. Famous singer Sweetie Belle watched in amusement as a scholarly unicorn stallion courted her best friend, Apple Bloom. And behind Sweetie stood her proud coltfriend, Leeroy. Off to the side, a minty mare played a happy tune on her lyre beside a grey mare with a cello. It had been years since their adventures had ceased, but their bonds remained as strong as ever. And, perhaps, they’d finally found their happy ending.
Oh yeah… that soulmate who he’s never even been in the same episode as.