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The Downfall of Bhaalspawn (contains possible SJW discussions)

Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends.

Y'all are stupid!
Yes really. I mean, you’re not even free to post your fanart without someone wishing you get raped in a fanbase. you know who it is. You can’t make any kind of comment without a snowflake saying “that’s offensive”.
Come on. I’m a latin-american for crying out loud. A lot of people would throw rocks at me just because of that. Do i get offended? No, because i don’t care. People need to chill. They need to stop going after hate that’s not even there
The Glim Glam
Wallet After Summer Sale -
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Glim Glam Fam~
Yes really. I mean, you’re not even free to post your fanart without someone wishing you get raped in a fanbase. you know who it is. You can’t make any kind of comment without a snowflake saying “that’s offensive”.
Come on. I’m a latin-american for crying out loud. A lot of people would throw rocks at me just because of that. Do i get offended? No, because i don’t care. People need to chill. The need to stop going after hate that’s not even there
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Thread Starter - Started a thread with over 100 pages

I think it’s funny, people that claim to be against hate “Like Peet I’m sure” tend to be more vile towards people for dumb reasons. Like no joke, I’ve seen many wishing death on people just because they refuse to bend the knee to their brand of dogma.
Yet others are the bigots.
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends.

Y'all are stupid!
And you know what’s more funny? Antifas using fascism to fight fascism. Just like how team plasma wanna free pokemon from their pokeballs but uses pokemon on pokeballs to do so
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Thread Starter - Started a thread with over 100 pages

Which is even more ironic when idiots in the media, defend them.
I still can’t believe a comedian did more undercover reporting the MSM, found and had Members arrested with an arsenal, and they ignored it! They didn’t want it, nor wanted anyone else to!
That must have made Peet proud of them.

Don’t worry I think both her and Lizzy have said about how they don’t want kids. Which I think is for the best.
After all I would be scared for that kids life if they ever became an anime fan or a gamer or anything else those
two hate.
This also doesn’t help matters.
Billy’s 11th Birthday
Billy: Mom, when's my Hogwarts letter going to come? 

Lily: Billy, we've had this same talk last year when you wanted to be a Pokemon trainer. 

Billy: You mean Harry Potter's not real either!? 

Me: Of course it is, Billy. But you can't go because you're a Muggle. Plus, we don't live in Britain. 

Billy: Oh, okay... 

Lily: Nice save.

Yeah that still bugs me. Why on earth would Lizzy think an 11 year old boy or an 11 year old child in general
would still think they could be a wizard. Shouldn’t that be well past the age when kids are able to tell fantasy
from reality? I mean I know Billy is just an OC but this sort of logic just bugs me.

Billy is an OC and like I said I think both have said they do not want kids. Again it is for the best seeing as
how like you said the kid would get bullied and then most likely also try to beat up the person or attack someone
weaker then them.

Here is something that was linked to by platinummanaxl that interested me.
Oh and before I copy and paste the words there are three images one from the MLP:FIM comic with the critic pony,
the 2nd image from Spice Up Your Life, and of course the last image is a random screencap from Fame and
Misfortune. Which is odd because I figured she would of used that pony with the glass of water cutie mark but
anonymous asked:
Your analysis of fame and misfortune forgets that MA Larson didn’t even like doing it, and was mandated to. Not because he was bitter about criticism.
You just showcased the hole in your own defense of the episode: MA Larson was mandated into making it. One individual writer’s opinion on the work they were paid to do is irrelevant because the work was clearly ordered by Hasbro.
And Fame and Misfortune is not the first time Hasbro has pulled a stunt like this. It’s the THIRD time.
Just because some people (Silver) swallowed the nonsense about “critics existing to tear other people down to build themselves up” doesn’t make it any less nonsense. Of course Hasbro would say that, they’re the ones most frequently criticized and it is in their benefit to paint critics as egotistical jagoffs.
In reality, aggressively negative and venomous critics don’t behave that way that out of need for validation in their lives, they behave that way because audiences by and large LOVE the “Angry Review” format, and it attracts inept or novice critics.
The likes of Mr Enter, Angry Joe, Doug Walker and Tommy Oliver aren’t behaving the way they do to stroke their ego in a pretentious way, they’re doing it became James Rolfe and Yahtzee Croshaw MADE it the most popular style of review in the world.
And defanging their inept criticism is what I devote more of Glass of Water’s time to than anything else, because an important skill for any creator is being able to recognize when criticism is tangible and worth listening to versus when it’s someone yelling to hide the fact that they don’t know how to critique something.
It’s beneficial for Hasbro to not only convince their audience that every critic is Angry Joe, but also that Angry Joe is motivated by anything other than audience retention. And the fact that prominent people in the community (Silver) buy that crap only magnifies that message. And you should NEVER buy that message from any company that is trying to sell you something.
Okay one you never did do that Glass of Water on Mr. Enter. It was going to be called Glass of Water-Enter the
Copyright which was going to be about the then at the time Mr. Enter whining about YouTube’s broken copyright
system. Two James Rolfe and Yatzee are game reviewers and only game reviewer you have is Angry Joe. Three Mr.
Enter like you is well known for his ability to take things way to seriously. He is also well known as the guy
who got triggered by Keep Calm and Flutter on and also got into trouble when he showed the twitter of a Spongebob
writter which lead to the person getting harassed. Oh and also like you he is also well known for not listening
to his critics. Speaking of not listing to critics. Here are some examples of Peet showing she doesn’t listen.
anonymous asked:
A common criticism I hear from people is that you’re too “mean” to the people you criticize.
When you look at a lot of the rhetoric about I’m “acting all authoritarian” despite not having the power to actually do that and how so often “respect other opinions” so often equates to “never contradict me” you can see the reality of the situation: To many of these people, any kind of criticism is “too mean.”
The incident that got me accused of abuse was me explicitly stopping someone from making a complete ass of themselves in front of a hundred thousand people by playing Devil’s Advocate for slavery.
Oftentimes when I have actually been too harsh or needlessly aggressive it doesn’t last very long because I actively retract the statement, like when I ended the video on Tommy Oliver by calling him a dirtbag, only to take the video down and reupload it with that statement removed a day later.
But hey, I’ll gladly engage with more tangible criticisms like this over the “she’s literally satan” nonsense.
That post she is talking about where she said how she stopped Josh from making a fool of him self. Yeah a later
post had Peet saying how she should of let Josh do that.
For context Peet showed a screen cap of someone ending their pledge on her patreon and she said this.
I fucking hate it when people do this. If you’re gonna check “Some other reason” then just fill in the reason. Is that so hard?
Oh I wonder why someone would not try to be specific about why they are ending their pledge?
deriogames asked:
Some dude named Just a Robot on YouTube made a video about how you don’t understand why people hate you. Maybe cover it in a video? I dunno, just thought you should know
I’ve already addressed it before it’s release: The reasons people give for hating me are often deceptive (they ignore similar instances of the accused behavior all around them), flagrantly misleading (accusing me of getting people to draw Rule 34 of a teenager for her opinions about Zelda, in reality I suggested they assert that a grown woman who couldn’t stop raging about gay ships was probably compensating for something) or just complete and total lies (sockpuppeting, deviancy, abuse, ect).
The dislike came first. The bullshit came after.
I do not need to be notified of every bitchy cry-in someone makes about me. I have actual work to do and I cannot afford the time.
Yet here you are taking time to reply to someone’s question.
anonymous asked:
What are your thoughts on the people who say you don’t understand why people dislike you?
They will believe whatever is convenient for them to believe. This is why I am simultaneously a “dangerous, abusive monster” and an “ineffectual whiny SJew.”
My big crime was defending a teenage girl from harassment because bronies threw a fucking tantrum that their rape comic might get take down, and accurately detailing why they were behaving like disgraceful assholes.
This was at a time where my videos were getting 500 views a month, not the 700,000 they currently get. They’re were so outraged by my statement that “Trying to kill a teenager for saying rape is bad makes you a monster” and they still haven’t let it go.
Other reasons people hate me are as follows.
You said my favorite show is bad 

You said my fandom is bad 

You said my favorite creator/youtuber is bad 

You’re mean sometimes 

You criticize conservatism and that makes me feel like a bad person 
But they can’t be honest about that because they’ll out themselves for the crybabies they truly are.
So what they will do is that they will grab onto any scrap of information they can with both hands and be completely outraged by it so that they can continue this never-ending mill, but even the barest amount of research will showcase how much they’re manufacturing controversy.
Here’s a few examples.
The most common accusation against me is that I’m abusive. However, the accusers neither know anything or care about abuse itself. Lizzy accurately pointed out that when Josh started flinging accusations at me, nobody ever once checked in with her to ask if things were okay, and when she started contradicting Josh’s accusations because she was there for most of my interactions with him they just accused her of Stockholm Syndrome (despite Stockholm Syndrome actively requiring NOT having a preexisting relationship with the captor, and also being pseudoscience).
Worse even, those same people have started spamming Lizzy with this same bullshit, despite the fact that she has actual insight into me as a person. Far more than some wingnut trying to pretend that screenshots of Tumblr posts constitute the “TRUTH.” In a desperate effort to prove that I’m abusive to my wife, they decided to harass and abuse my wife, trying to gaslight her into breaking up with me because they know it’ll hurt me.
They don’t care about abuse or the victims of abuse, they care about anything that might damage my career or my life. And so they will flagrantly make things up.
Another one was accusations of being a pedophile because Stockholm featured a relationship between a 24 year-old woman and a 47 year-old woman. Now I can understand the whole “16 vs 18″ arguments about age of consent, but I think 24 is a pretty acceptable area to be in.
There were two big holes in that short-lived campaign.
Stockholm featured a pedophile being institutionalized for ten years, and another being murdered in broad daylight with no repercussions for the killer as major plot points. 

FimFiction itself is flooded with actual child pornography and people who are actually advocating pedophilia and none of these people have batted an eye. 
Again, it’s not about any genuine worry, it’s about saying anything to make that subscriber count drop.
Another accusation is that I have a million sockpuppet accounts. This is the go-to response to anybody who dares contradict the accusations made against me. It’s done with no proof, and is impossible to prove. It is the desperate flailing of a moron who has no defense prepared when someone accuses them of lying. This is similar to the fact that any time I criticize a member of the community, the go to response is some variation of “I know you are but what am I?”
Going further down the list you can find the same issue over and over again: An accusation is made, said accusation is contradicted, proof of accusation is either nonexistent or comes from dubious/explicitly malevolent sources, the accusation’s foundation is found throughout the community with none of the accusers saying a word about it.
Because it’s not about any of the things they pretend to care about. It’s about making that evil bitch suffer for daring to criticize them/their hobbies/their malformed worldview.
They’re told they’re wrong or something is bad and their response is to completely lose their shit and start throwing all their toys out of the pram.
My thoughts on the people who say I don’t understand why some people hate me so much is “It’s not my problem that you’re a gullible moron.”
In all fairness you would of had a good point about calling out people that sent the then Pinkie Pony death
threats and rape threats but then you ruin it by making it sound like all Bronies where doing it instead of a
handful of horrible people. Funny how you mention gullible morons when you worship Anita.
anonymous asked:
You realise that because you’ve dared mentioned Josh again everyone’s gonna be screeching about how you’re oh so obsessed with him, right?
They’re gonna do that anyway, so why should I go out of my way to avoid taking the opportunity to whip the sniveling asshole some more?
Yep look at how much she doesn’t care about Josh and how she listens to her critics. XD

Unless all the presidents after him literally eat children, I think it’s safe to say that he won’t be remembered as “One of” the worst “Presidents” in history he will be remembered as the single most nauseating, worthless piece of dog-shit to ever sleaze its way into the oval office
And hopefully those same history books will record how this tangerine skinned abomination was impeached from office not long after first lying, cheating and weaseling his repulsive sewer-dweller self into it
The funniest thing about all of this is he really isn’t even that bad
Y’all just salty your abomination of a choice lost
You have the audacity to bitch and moan about trump when you voted hillary? That’s some cognitive dissonance you got there
Worse than Nixon, OP? Worse than FDR, whose economic ineptitude extended the great depression?
Didn’t FDR actually help out a lot of America? That’s what I’ve learned at least
Modern economists agree that the New Deal was a terrible decision that only made the situation worse and if not for natural boost from WWII, American economy would’ve tanked.
Don’t forget FDR’s Interment camps and horrible treatment of Asian Americans.
we also literally had a civil war, with the President before Lincoln, James Buchanan, having exceptionally weak leadership often blamed by historians as a factor for the Civil War happening, which broke out IMMEDIATELY after he left office
you had a President, William Henry Harrison, who was bedridden all his presidency and died in bed, in office
you had JFK himself having such a dangerous hardon for Cuba that we came closest to total nuclear annihilation that we’ve ever been, as well as be one of the figures that escalated the Vietnam War
we had Bush and Obama keep entrenching us into more and more intractable military quagmires in the middle east and africa, following on from Clinton’s “peacekeeping” actions in the 90s leading following political figures to think “hey this is a great fucking idea tbh”
we had Ulysses S Grant, who was such a bad president and had such a corrupt cabinet that his administration singlehandedly invented the term “lobbyist” because of people that would petition grant in the hotel he went to eat lunch and drink in
you have FDR also not telling his Vice President, Harry S Truman about the US nuclear program during WWIII AT ALL and Truman himself dropping the atomic bombs on Japan for no strategic value at all
here’s something nobody seems to wanna talk about, regarding Trump
a significant proportion of the bad shit he’s done he inherited from Obama
as in, it was already approved by Obama and Congress and he can’t countermand or veto it at this point
you think Trump’s bad?
he’s bad, but compared to a bunch of really bad presidents, you ain’t seen nothing yet
he’s done almost nothing bad that is uniquely Trump yet
My vote for worst president goes to Andrew Johnson, who spent his time as president undoing all of Lincoln’s hard work by fucking over the reconstruction of the South, and was actually so bad that the House cooked up the protocol for impeachment then and there just so they could impeach him.
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