@Background Pony #7C7A
Not sure on these minor distinctions, but since “plotshot” is already aliased into “butt only”, I think “butt shot” could meet the same fate.
Do note “need to poop” also exists; “potty time” is just an umbrella that doesn’t care which of the two types of bodily waste it is that you need a toilet for.
Aliased for now, might need to do further cleanup and aggregation.
@Pulse Wave
There’s some complications with these, and not just the meme phrases; we ideally should split text and visual censoring better I think.
@Algebroot Neogears
I think “mecha pony” is a very specific kind. We’ll find out more when the Pony Life episode airs. If it turns out they’re very generic, then it’ll just be aliased, but otherwise, an implication is probably best.
@Background Pony #52BA
With “x-ray”, you’re seeing what’s inside something, from the outside, while “internal” is just inside a body. There’s a lot of overlap, but neither encompasses the other.
The old episodes don’t, but the new ones do.
They seem pretty distinct in semantics. Might be people choosing the wrong tag suggestion when they don’t know, so a name change on the latter could help.
@Background Pony #84F6
Proportions, mostly. Really, I think we will be changing this sometime soonish, but it’ll be tricky.