I don’t see any problem with those tags. You’re free to add them if you want.
What I say isn’t gospel here, and this topic probably warrants further elaboration. Anyways, when I think of “plantigrade”, I think of creatures where their heels are typically on the ground when standing, and not whether they have feet or not. The site’s definition follows the latter definition, though between the site’s definitions for
plantigrade (“human legs and feet”),
unguligrade (“pony legs and hooves”), and
digitigrade (“walk on their toes, with feet like a bird, cat, dragon, or similar”) there’s a lot that doesn’t fall under either.
Until then, I’d say go with unguligrade because much more of them are tagged as unguligrade than plantigrade.
@Algebroot Neogears
Those should probably be merged.
@Background Pony #52BA
Seconding this.
@Algebroot Neogears
There’s a bit of a distinction that I can tell. With “earth pony problems”, the general implication seems to be things that unicorns or pegasi could do better, though that often includes the “human contraptions” that define horse problems.