The evil council continuation (Possible NSFW)


OOC: Anyway. I guess I’m ready to give another shot at playing but not on the line we left on.
OOC: Anyway. I guess I’m ready to give another shot at playing but not on the line we left on.


OOC: Ok, I suppose it’s time for me to do something to get this out of its torpor.
* After packing all and telling bye to those who won’t follow them further the group move to the station in which they left their car looking for an engine that goes toward the Gyphonia connection to pull them along. Max took it on himself to search for a train going there. *
* Max came back to the group. *
Max: I wasn’t able to find a train going all the way to the outpost, but I found one going to last city before that. And there I’m sure we’ll find another to make the rest of the way.
Jak: What can we expect there?
Healstone: Some Minotaurs who couldn’t cope with how things were going on the Island Robotpony occupy up there live in that city. Some gryphons may have crossed it to get into Equestria but since they don’t like the underground very few if any must have stayed.
Jade: Back in my Corund days just before its fall I had access to intel about that place saying several shipments of small weapons were sent there and then across the oceanic tunnel never to be seen again. It’s a no brainer that they’re ending in gryphons hands of course, but since we had no spies among the gryphons we had no way to know specifically which ones and for what purpose.
OOC: That part will have to end there to give you opportunity to interact.
OOC: And now something for the other side.
* Meanwhile on Sharp’s resort by Crete Sharp is overseeing the campaign against the donkeys. *
Sharp: Everything seem to be going as planned but so very slowly. The jungle is certainly a huge problem not even because of ambushes but because of the time we waste crossing it and playing whack a mole with donkeys. And this time is time other ponies have to change their mind about staying neutral to avoid another great war.
Bot: Are you considering modifying orders general?
Sharp: Yes. If we ever want to go anywhere with this conquest we need to blitz it. We’ll never be done with donkey guerrilla in this jungle in the current context. We need to force ourselves and push beyond the jungle. Order the units there to march through the swamp and head south west to the nearest port beyond the great jungle. Once they’ll have taken it we’ll be able to use it as a western beachead to conquer the Donkey’s west coast where their only valuable infrastructure is. And if the guerrilla keep causing us trouble after that at least they won’t be constantly resupplied with ammunition by their country.
Bot: Understood. We estimate that this plan is threatened by the possibility of the gryphon fleet changing their currently strategy to cut the future line between our industrial regions and this new beachhead you want to create.
Sharp: Yes, the gryphons. The pests. Another front that have stalled for too long with that prince taking his time. I can’t imagine them going out of their way to save the donkeys, they were at war with them themselves, but we are badly inexperience with convoys and they wouldn’t pass their only opportunities to harm us. Guess those donkeys are in luck for now, we have troublemakers to cripple first to secure our new strategy theater of operation.
Sharp: Tell me techbot, what are the latest news with the gryphon fleet. Are they still merely blockading our island down south.
Bot: Affirmative.
Sharp: Any engagement lately between our forces?
Bot: Negative.
Sharp: Oh joy, another stalled standoff. With almost their whole fleet I guess?
Bot: About half of it.
Sharp: How can that gryphon queen be so damn bucked at besieging that place and yet sit on her ass so long without assaulting it? It’s not like the garrison is on a clock, they’re bots, they ain’t gonna starve.
Bot: According to the current political context it is clear that she hope the blockade will push Robotpony toward renewing his alliance with her but that an assault with irremediably break their relation which she need to remain in power in the long term.
Sharp: I knew, thanks. But really after that long she should have got the message that it ain’t going to happen and that doc ditched her for good. I guess we’re gonna have to go there and make the first move to start the battle. Get my shuttle ready.
Bot: I should remind you that you were shot down on your last attempt to get there by air. A furtive infiltration would be safer.
Sharp: I survived didn’t I? And it would have been quite theatrical to let my visit send a message to those gryphons that the battle is coming by blazing through their lines. But I guess I should listen to your cold logical advices. We can’t dispatch so much more forces down there, all our empire care about right now is pushing the donkey and protecting our artic mines of ragnite, so I’ll have to fight those gryphon with the force we already have there and those alone. Better keep the surprise effect then, especially after such a long period of inaction. The gryphons’ combat readiness is certainly crippled by their undoubtedly growing boredom at a front where nothing ever happen and this might be our biggest advantage. I want another path than the underground tunnels though, I passed last time because nobody knew me but I can’t show up at the underground outpost there going the other way without being caught.
Bot: A minor submarine can be requisitioned.
Sharp: I guess I’ll go with that then. Request it and have it dock by my home.
Bot: Understood. The request was sent. Do the order against the donkeys stand?
Sharp: Leave that operation on hold, just in case I overestimated my power to unstuck action we better not send an expedition deep into enemy territory that would required a quick success on my end. I will radio you when the situation in the gryphons archipelagos would have improved enough to launch that deep offensive.
Bot: Understood.
* The next day a submarine docked by Sharp’s personal resort. *
Mina: You’re going to leave again for that island?
Sharp: Yes. Though since I go there on my own initiative this time I’m not forbidden from bringing you. I wouldn’t want to miss your company on the beautiful beaches of a tropical island my dear.
Mina: * had a little smile. *
Sharp: And also on this one you and even our gryphon friend Irma who don’t like me could be useful. There’s some minotaurs left there who are supposed to “relearn” the Minotaur’s way and be reintegrated in the empire. And the gryphons presence goes without saying. So having people to connect with both species could prove useful.
Mina: Irma will want to join rebels again most likely.
Sharp: Probably, but while I’m sure those rebels don’t like us I know they fight Penny’s faction too so they could prove useful, at least temporarily. Mina, could you be a dear and go tell Irma about our trip and suggest her to come. If I’m the one who tell her she’ll most certainly be more suspicious of my project to use her rebels friends to our advantage.
Mina: It should be easy to make her come.


OOC: I’ll try to add stuff but for now the idea that weapons are sent through there is one of the initial point of interests.
OOC: I’ll try to add stuff but for now the idea that weapons are sent through there is one of the initial point of interests.


Penny: Were you not able to intercept any wireless transmissions from them via small outposts on the surface?
Penny: Were you not able to intercept any wireless transmissions from them via small outposts on the surface?


Jade: No, you gotta unstand that for Corund itself what happen on the other side of the world was not as immediate of concern as the potential civil war we were about to declare. We tried once to check what the guard station of the outpost there got once just in case, but there was only crypted Robotpony’s communications we were unable to decipher and messages from the gryphon fleet in clear that never mentioned anything about weapons from us.
Jade: No, you gotta unstand that for Corund itself what happen on the other side of the world was not as immediate of concern as the potential civil war we were about to declare. We tried once to check what the guard station of the outpost there got once just in case, but there was only crypted Robotpony’s communications we were unable to decipher and messages from the gryphon fleet in clear that never mentioned anything about weapons from us.
But we know Robotpony doesn’t care about weapons from us so we exclude the possibility that it is him.


OOC: They could be hidden or disguised. In caves for example, potentially caves in forests since it would give a fairly easy way to string up receivers and the like, and they might not need to be directly in the path of the transmissions’ origin and destination.
OOC: They could be hidden or disguised. In caves for example, potentially caves in forests since it would give a fairly easy way to string up receivers and the like, and they might not need to be directly in the path of the transmissions’ origin and destination.
For the potential question there of antenna size, my dad has a radio hobby and just putting some wire up in the trees around the yard let him get transmissions from as far as Korea, and intermittent transmissions from McMurdo Station of all places. So it doesn’t have to be a big obvious tower since the wire was acting as the antenna.
Hell, in theory it could just be some little camp with some military grade solar panels and batteries.


OOC: Well the net is starting to act really funky so im going to head off.
OOC: Well the net is starting to act really funky so im going to head off.
Penny: Fair enough.


OOC: Bye.
OOC: Bye.
Jade: It’s already great that we know some stuff happened. Anyway, right now let’s just go, and I’m sure there you’ll be able to find more.

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