The evil council continuation (Possible NSFW)


OOC: Fairly good actually, 4.0 of the OWB mod for HOI4 just came out. Oh it’s going to be nice to finally have the Western BOS be fully playable again.
OOC: Fairly good actually, 4.0 of the OWB mod for HOI4 just came out. Oh it’s going to be nice to finally have the Western BOS be fully playable again.
And do you have a preference?


Guest: Ok that sound pretty bad.
Guest: Ok that sound pretty bad.
Guests2: It looks like a cartoon effect though. Might have been a little funny.
* As they talked even more people got in. *
Boz: My, we’ll be full for the first time in a long while, the first time since the ponies moved back to the surface.
* Talking to Xeno * Good thing it happen as you’re here cause you’ll be able to report to Fancy that I’m doing super great with keeping vacancy low.
* Talking to Xeno * Good thing it happen as you’re here cause you’ll be able to report to Fancy that I’m doing super great with keeping vacancy low.


Weiss: It’s a, good thing we had some healing dust on hand in that case.
Weiss: It’s a, good thing we had some healing dust on hand in that case.
Xeno: Hmmm? Do you have to send money to him?


Guest2: What would be a funny dust story then? Surely something amusing happened with that at some point.
Guest2: What would be a funny dust story then? Surely something amusing happened with that at some point.
Boz: Well he bought that place. Sure back when I was doing some resistance for Equestria he gave it to me so I could use it as base, but now that this is over he’d be justified to expect some income out of it. At least to refund him for purchasing it in the first place.


OOC: To be honest im not really sure what to do there.
OOC: To be honest im not really sure what to do there.
And he was talking about your guy having to pay Fancy, because of the mention of keeping vacancy low.


OOC: Nothing with Fancy was ever negotiate but but my main pointed out that he should cause Fancy is the real owner of the place.
OOC: Nothing with Fancy was ever negotiate but but my main pointed out that he should cause Fancy is the real owner of the place.


Boz: 6 months probably. But before that most place was occupied by my friends who weren’t charged.
Boz: 6 months probably. But before that most place was occupied by my friends who weren’t charged.
OOC: I have very little sense of the passing of time IC on this so it’s mostly a guess. And it’s getting late so I’m going to leave on this. Night.


OOC: Hi. How are you?
OOC: Hi. How are you?
And we probably have time for only 2 post by this point so let’s try to continue.


Boz: Quite affordable actually cause here power is free now and that brought down the price of many commodity along with it. There’s the food, the few staff member weren’t replaced by friends, fixing stuff, water. between 2500 - 5000 per month depending of how much we need.
Boz: Quite affordable actually cause here power is free now and that brought down the price of many commodity along with it. There’s the food, the few staff member weren’t replaced by friends, fixing stuff, water. between 2500 - 5000 per month depending of how much we need.


Boz: Yeah. And when so many things among the furnitures are made in stone or partly in stone they don’t break often.
Boz: Yeah. And when so many things among the furnitures are made in stone or partly in stone they don’t break often.
OOC: Night.

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