Over the years I stopped using many common fandom headcanons, but I noted the ones involving Pinkie take the cake. Many of them were either product of their time or for some reason they felt rather skin-deep the more I watch them, plus, very often those headcanons often felt limiting over the years.
Pinkie apparently being a huge fourth wall breaker (she’s neither the only one who breaks it nor it’s really that prominent about it), the Pinkamena thing (the original fic was a troll fic and honestly I’m jaded from it), her being a chaos being or something (if anything IDW and the final confirms the chaos power from Discord is something that overwhelms her and she cannot really control it all that well, she might be hyperactive but otherwise just pony).
I mostly peg she’s mostly a shapeshifter with hammerspace, specially because she doesn’t have a good record actually beating villains and also an inconsistent record solving practical problems. The fact many characters can also break the 4th wall and use toon physics makes me think she merely overuses it, more akin to low social skills rather than anything intrinsict.