Being left wing means being the underdog and leftist ideals praise independent thinking.
…Buddy. Have you been living under a rock, for the past 10 years?
Hell, have you even taken a good, long look at the overall state of this thread over the past 4 years, alone?
Apart from @Zincy, @GokuBlack, @lonewolf, and possibly @TheSmilingPony, no one, and I mean absolutely no one who’s consistently used this thread over all of the last 60+ months can unironically say with a straight face that they actually think independently, and have the plain-to-see personal track record to back it up.
And I know this, because if anything, no thread on any website in existence, today, can ever hold that kind of reputation, regarding the overall sum of its consistent users, and simultaneously have the exact same environment and atmosphere of A GODDAMN SUBREDDIT for over 4+ years straight. It’s a completely impossible predicament.
This thread is literally an extension of r/antiwork, r/latestagecapitalism and r/twoxchromosomes, at this point, so you might as well be better of finding somebody who actually genuinely thinks in independently and gets all their sources from 100% verified, trustworthy, professional news sources that actually cite their own sources from legitimate primary sources or scholarly sources (so that everything they say is 100% backed up and utilize factually reliable sources in their citations) on Twitter, than even bother trying to find such people on here, sans the four aforementioned exceptions.
Because honestly, if the politics thread on this website was not an already well-established carbon copy of the average politics-related subreddit, then maybe your idea that “leftist ideals praise independent thinking” would actually hold some significant amount of water. Not just on here, but everywhere online and in real life that there is leftist or “leftist” discourse.
And the real kicker? Absolutely nobody can say with a straight face that the vast majority of self-proclaimed leftists actually think independently, these days.
We don’t have any real amount of George Carlins, Noam Chomskys, or even Roger Waters’, anymore, because that shit began to really die out with the boomer generation in the 70s and 80s, and has never recovered among most of the subsequent generations (some of Gen X can be made an exception, here), since.
Wake up and smell the roses.