AI is going to kill animation.
Even if it’s good, the lack of money and people means there is no reason for the population to get invested, and with floods of content that people don’t want to invest in clog up all the media, people will fall out, causing an even wider variety of cheap AI garbage, further accelerating the fallout.
When the means of producing art becomes so cheap and meaningless, it’s going to be like inflation. It’s going to be a chore to sift through it all, like having to carry fifty hundred pennies just to buy a bottle of booze. As the value of the art degrades, it’s going to be pumped out in a maniacally rapid pace as the users of AI all attempt to bleed out the fad and cash out at once.
It’s going to heat up the planet and cause an energy crisis, as everyone panics and scrambles to suck every last volt out of the power grid to cash in before the fad dies.