oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
I want more Spike/Zecora bonding. So far she’s proved to be the only one who knows anything about dragons, and once Spike starts growing a little, he’s gonna need someone to guide him through the difficult process of learning how to keep living among ponies without accidentally slicing, maiming, stomping or incinerating them.
I’d also love to see a Rainbow Dash and Rarity issue, or even an episode centered around the two of them, since they’ve NEVER had an episode where the two of them were specifically the focus.
I was trying to be silly. Much like your point. However, considering who is publishing the comic, I think the chances of Spike co-starring with another guy is quite low.
As for your actual point, if they are going to pair Spike up with ponies or non-ponies with ‘ah’ at the end of their name, it might be interesting.
We can’t dismiss the idea of Spike one day hanging with the bros. Anyways, my pint is being that all of his co stars all have the ‘ah’ sound at the end of their names.
This might sound stupid, I might cause you to lose brain cells, but I noticed a theme with Spike stories…
Celestia, Luna, and now Zecora….have you noticed how they all have ‘ah’ sound at the end of thier names? Spike even befriended a dragoness named Mina! So, I predict that the next Friends Forever to star Spike, his co-star will have the ‘ah’ sound at the end of his/her name.
Yeah, but sometimes they do ones that the show’s already done multiple times, but those can sometimes still be pretty good as well.
I keep joking about wanting a Shining Armor and Rainbow Dash buddy cop comedy, but really I’d be interested in an issue featuring Shining Armor and any character other than Twilight or Cadance (though even one with Shining and Cadance would be fine too).
I hope that, at some point, Zecora repeats that dragons are greedy(like she did in “Secret of My Excess” and in “Just for Sidekicks”), and that Spike calls her on it. Other than that, as two true outsiders, this could be an interesting piece, as the comic has a track record of treating Spike with more competence than the series.
Could I write an AO3 fic based off of this??
Really? Again?
He’s also a waste of space.
Spike is not a witch doctor, he is Twilight’s assistant.
Y’know, you’re right, they should do that in the comic, or show some day.
I’d also love to see a Rainbow Dash and Rarity issue, or even an episode centered around the two of them, since they’ve NEVER had an episode where the two of them were specifically the focus.
Yeah, even if they repeat a few, some like “Applejack & Rarity” do still offer some good comedy opportunities.
Even Queen Chrysalis found them amusing. :P
I was trying to be silly. Much like your point. However, considering who is publishing the comic, I think the chances of Spike co-starring with another guy is quite low.
As for your actual point, if they are going to pair Spike up with ponies or non-ponies with ‘ah’ at the end of their name, it might be interesting.
We can’t dismiss the idea of Spike one day hanging with the bros. Anyways, my pint is being that all of his co stars all have the ‘ah’ sound at the end of their names.
That’s a silly idea. Spiking co-starting with another guy.
Celestia, Luna, and now Zecora….have you noticed how they all have ‘ah’ sound at the end of thier names? Spike even befriended a dragoness named Mina! So, I predict that the next Friends Forever to star Spike, his co-star will have the ‘ah’ sound at the end of his/her name.
Yeah, but sometimes they do ones that the show’s already done multiple times, but those can sometimes still be pretty good as well.
I keep joking about wanting a Shining Armor and Rainbow Dash buddy cop comedy, but really I’d be interested in an issue featuring Shining Armor and any character other than Twilight or Cadance (though even one with Shining and Cadance would be fine too).