Request for flashnostalgia on DA
They wanted “
Rarity and
Sunset cosplaying zero suit Samus and captured on a straitjacket and dragged by leash on a spooky Halloween place.” As previewed over
Fully colored version finally complete. If the background looks familiar, it was pulled from
this. Seemed to be pretty good material for a ‘spooky place,’ you don’t want to be. Even developed a better coloring process for in the process. Usually I go in with the paintbrush tool and color in lineart by hand. That’s what I did for the characters in the foreground. For the background though, I experimented with the magic wand select and the paint bucket. Not just select an area and immediately dump paint into it of course. We’ve all seen that and it looks terrible. Experimenting with the grow and feather tools, I was able to get the paint dumped into the selection well with in the confines of the lineart. Go in with paintbrush and eraser tools for the more problematic areas, and it turns out pretty well. It also goes far quicker than just doing it by hand too, which will make for a much better turnaround in coloring art. You’ll be see the results of this new process sooner than later.