Potion: Indirectamente, pero sí.
Twilight estaba inquieta por la reunión entre princesas y la Reina Novo así que me pidió ayuda.
Twilight: ¿Puedes Hacerlo…?
Potion: Una poción… No hay problema, pero ¿no habías superado ya tu problema de ansiedad?
Twilight: Si, no tengo problema con responsabilidades, experiencia o lidiando con problemas….
Pero las otras princesas tienen porte, belleza, elegancia…
Y “otros” atributos en los que aún me siento algo inferior.
Potion: Si, es difícil competir con ellas en “eso”, sobre todo en la playa.
Pero bueno… !esta sera una gran oportunidad de probar mis nuevas combinaciones…!
¡Tiempo de pociones!
Y entonces Twi se bebió todo de junto de un sorbo sin darme tiempo a ajustar los adecuadamente.
Heh. The term measuring contest works fine. It has sexual connotations, but a far broader usage especially attributed to said informal comedic settings.
Thanks for looking out for me, guys. I think though I had a minor brain fart with my comment, particularly the dick measuring. In hindsight I should have stayed a little more with the obvious breast envy Twilight’s got at all the Princesses, including Cadence and Luna (Celestia is obvious, Novo is a surprise to me–though she’s a Queen, not a princess) and Twilight recently became a royal, relatively speaking…
He may have meant it as some sort of sexual allegory. English has countless more generalized slang terms synonymous with sexual vocabulary for the purpose of innuendo used primarily in informal comedic situations, like this site. Meaning, back-translating a fair amount of said slang from most other languages will seem unclear or inaccurate without complete context.
So twilight did all that and made the beach a nude one….because she ultimately was jealous that the other princesses (especially Celestia…with argumentally the biggest rack of all) are more attractive and desired more than her??? I get most probably compare the princesses with thier dicks, but Twilight got some to work with too…
Eirin’sPotion Nova’s shady newdrugpotion template”Heh. The term measuring contest works fine. It has sexual connotations, but a far broader usage especially attributed to said informal comedic settings.
I figured that when they said they wanted to see them compare dick sizes.
He may have meant it as some sort of sexual allegory. English has countless more generalized slang terms synonymous with sexual vocabulary for the purpose of innuendo used primarily in informal comedic situations, like this site. Meaning, back-translating a fair amount of said slang from most other languages will seem unclear or inaccurate without complete context.
Nothing in this series ever implied that last part.