Apologies in advance again to any heavy Sunburst x Starlight shippers. I don’t mean to crash that ship in this AU with any ill intent, just back when I was brainstorming ideas for SOTDT and this AU’s version of Sunset being Starlight’s missing mother that helps explains her strong magical power and can fit because the EQG Movies/Series was never canon to I Dream of Twilight Sparkle. I couldn’t somehow get Sunset related to Starlight without also having some relation to Sunburst too given the Sun theme. Making Sunset be Sunspot’s little sister (And thus Sunburst’s Aunt) felt like a logical possibility in a world where Sunset’s one generation older then the Mane 6 (Though she died at about the Mane 6’s current age)
Some apologies to Marble Pie X Big Mac shippers as well, though that’s also kind of the show’s fault since they had eachother so blushy only to unceremoniously get Big Mac with Sugar Belle. And further broke people’s hearts by having Marble see Big Mac with Sugar Belle in that Christmas special and never giving Marble her own special somepony to make up for it.
There are also a fair amount of unknown characters, will they come up in the future? That may be up to how curious some askers are about them in particular. They aren’t quite as important as pretty much the characters already shown do enough to show the links in the family. But I wouldn’t mind doing some further expansion on any of these))
Mod of the blog behind this here. Thanks :) There’s a whole story where this was initially revealed called Secrets of the Dragon’s Tear if you’re interested in how this came about. It does take in a few things that have to be kept in mind such as 1. The EQG movies/series nor does the mirror from the series exists in I Dream of Twilight Sparkle/Ask Genie Twilight’s universe 2. Sunset would be just about as old as the other Pony mothers if she was still alive, as is she died barely 2-3 weeks after Starlight’s birth and was around the Mane 6’s current age (Which in context I like to think is somewhere around 25) and 3. Of course many of the things added to the lore help make it possible for Starlight to talk and see with this incarnation of Sunset despite being dead. Which was also a big thing about the plot of the story as soon as it gets to Chapter 20
The entire story can be found here (or if you’d prefer to read it on DeviantArt, go here). There’s a whole lot more to the story then just Starlight and Sunset. Though if you just want to get to the relevant chapters about them. Chapters 5, 6, 12, and 24-29 are the most relevant (Though 20-22 might also be good to get some context about Spirit summoning in the first place). Oh also keep in mind that the story is kind of script formatted with the character’s who is talking\s name always appearing. I know such things are like banned from FiMFiction and such.
I have not read the description yet so I am commenting on what I see my apologies if I have some things incorrect