What if Twilight never made friends? What if the Elements of Harmony would have been destroyed forever?
What if Celestia had been forced to handle all the problems herself? How would the story go then?
A comic series from doubleWbrothers (on previous pages also Mr-Spider-The-Bug ), where we will get all the answers to the question: “What if Celestia…”
Story and sketch by us, the doubleWbrothers
Lineart by Pony-Berserker
Coloring and backgrounds by xXAngeLuciferXx
Proofread and co-written by DracoBlair
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I thought it looked more like screwball, with the eyes lacking a pupil instead having a spiral pattern.
Though the top half of her is a pinkie color, and the bottom screwball. Perhaps they took insperation from both ponies?
well you see to soon if real artist if remove that
Please don’t add the tag “artist:mr-spider-the-bug”.
He is no longer involved in this comic and had no part in creating this page.
That’s why his name is not in the credits.
See the previous page (which he didn’t post on Derpibooru) for more information.
im not sure he or she if no longer
It appears from this page on, Mr spider the bug is no longer involved/contributed. Is this not the case?
The sad think is that the author abdon this project because he received so little attention compared to given work.
He has only 4 patrons now, before that it was even lower number. And I don’t say bad words about this style, but Mr-Spider-The-Bug makes so detail comics with style of the show, it’s just beautiful for me.