“I’m being deployed west near the war zone in a relief effort for those effected by the advance and then retreat of the Zebra armies… And I’m leaving tomorrow. Apparently it was one of the other reasons we had to return from Trotton…” Hope says sadly.
Emerald asks if he can come with her.
“No.” She says flat out, “You are welcome to stay here while I am away though. You’ve been through enough in your life already, I’m not taking you into a warzone. Just stay here in Whiterwater and be safe, please?”
Hope looks to Delilah, and she says, “I-I can come and check on Sapphire every once and while if you’d like, Mistress.”
Hope and Delilah smile at each other, and then the mare turns back to Emerald and says, “I’m sorry Emerald, but I won’t be gone forever, I swear. Just be good, alright? Joyride is teaching you magic isn’t she? M-maybe I can get you a tutor or something if you’d still like to learn about other things. You’d like that right? I can get some books and you can just read them yourself if you don’t!”
Emerald sees that Hope is trying to make him feel better, and he does appreciate the effort, but he still doesn’t want her to leave.
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@Background Pony #1831
I kinda think this ship is cute too. It’s got some motherly love to it. Perfect because Emerald didn’t have any growing up.
Oh I know very much. Thanks for pointing it out anyway.
Hey Fingusa, in case you still are interested, Hope has just returned in the story.
@Background Pony #C5CC
Best ship of 2015.
I know, she was one of my favorite characters as well. Best ship by far. I hope that Hope comes back soon in the cyoa.
I agree, I always enjoy seeing her there too. A few people in the CYOA say she’s kinda boring, but I personally love Hope~ Such a warm character ❤
Yeah I know. Guess I am an idiot for expecting this to go in a way of a sorta nice love story. I keep forgeting what is this supposed to be.
Emerald kinda grew on me for some reason and Hope, while holding him back is that kind of a nice character that I just love seeing around in a story.
I was starting to really enjoy the relationship between them myself. But then again this is being done for the sake of prolonging the story; otherwise it would be ending it prematurely. Hope may be a good waifu for Emerald, but I have to admit at the same time she’s kinda preventing him from developing. Emerald needs to get out there and adventure a bit for his own growth. Furthermore, this IS a lewdquest so it would be kinda boring if Emerald only got it on with Hope.
I think we should take solace in the fact that this isn’t a permanent write-out and we should eventually see Hope return to the story somewhere down the line. This isn’t the first time she’s had to leave Emerald.
Best ship just sank.