@Background Pony #AFD5
And next is their appearances
Lightning split: Alternate Rainbow dash, but with dark grey coat, light grey wings, grass-green eyes, storm cutie mark, and electrified lightning-yellow mane and tail.
Shifter: Alternate Pinkie, but with orange coat, cutie mark of upside down oddly colored balloons, violet eyes, and sunny-yellow mane and tail
Spirit shield: Alternate Fluttershy, but with light pink coat and wings, bright rose-red eyes, medium green mane and tail, and several green + signs with a pink heart behind them
Sunrise flower: Alternate Rarity, but with a dandelion-yellow coat, sunrise-colored mane and tail, medium pink eyes, and a cutie mark of a flower depicting a sunrise
Flamewalker: Alternate Applejack, but with a birch-brown coat, lava-colored eyes, fiery colored mane and tail, and a cutie mark of a campfire
Rainbow Soul: Alternate Twilight, but with a rainbow coat, soul-colored mane and tail, and a cutie mark of a 5 rainbow colored spirits