Sunny Starscout: Oh, just a few things. [inhales, speaking quickly]
Apples for bobbing, caramel apples, apple spice smoothies. Oh! Juggling apples, carving apples, apples to draw spooky little faces on…
Professor: Candy apples, apple cookies, apple cider bundt cake, apple crisps, apple dumplings, apple-roasted chips, apple-cheese, apple cobbler peach pies, fermented applesauce drinks, apple turnovers, apple strudels, baked apples, apple cider doughnuts, Old Ponish apple cake, dookin’ for apples, apple peanut butter cookies, apple cinnamon oatmeal, pine apple surprise, pine apple buns, pine apple pens, apple cinnamon bread, apple & cranberry chutney, cranberry apple quinoa salad, apple vanilla tarts, iced apple squares, forbidden golden apples, apples of knowledge, apples of Tartarus, apples of Discord, apples of immortality, Apple Tree Mares, Apple phone games, Apple computers, Apple Flypads, Apple Stock investments—
OH, and for those guests who want to go hardcore, we also got apple brandy, apple cider, apple wassail, apple martinis, apple cocktails, apple vodka, applejack—!
Rebel Activist: APPLEJACK??!
Professor: Let me finish!
Now where were we?
Sunny Starscout: Fried apple spice donuts, baked apple cinnamon cobbler, frosted apple spice cakes, apple-flavored water, which is just like regular water but you add apple pulp to it. [inhales, sighs] So I guess it’s technically a juice.
Professor: Or alcohol if you let it ferment for a week or two…
Misty: Mm-hmm.