Chrysalis is a very old woman even without counting the 1000 years and Fluffle Puff is a barely sentient pony, yeah.
Even if she’s not underage it still feels like taking advantage of the innocent.
Between Seige of the Crystal Empire getting retconned and the crossover being a combination of non-canon/pre-season 9, I don’t take too much offense to it
I mean, IDW tried to make him a surprisingly complex villain. But then DHX got jealous, made the “oof” that is his Beginning of the End portrayal, and now IDW has to roll with boring discount Sauron but still somehow fabulous Sombra.
A losing prospect all around.
Dan Vs MLP blog was better than the Flufflepuff blog.
Well, at least they explained that it was a clone that Discord made.
And it’s Wildbrain now, I know DHX was the name at the time, but they rebranded.
But I’ve already explained the age difference and the fact Fluffle has the mentality of a clueless child.
Heck, I haven’t even seen any indication that she’s more intelligent than the CMC.