Let’s be clear. I am sympathetic to your concern that there are people on the site who do not like Starlight Glimmer, and who enjoy talking about not liking her.
But they aren’t breaking any of our rules - it’s perfectly fine if they don’t like Starlight Glimmer. In fact, it’s 100% ok if they HATE her. So being a “Starlight Glimmer hater” isn’t against our rules.
Creating drama about other people’s opinions of characters over and over, especially where it is entirely off topic, or where you are the one starting the drama and carrying it on day after day after day and refusing to drop it even when staff asks you to drop it?
That’s very rule breaking.
So please take a break, and do something that you find fun - because right now you don’t seem to be having any fun, you’re completely fucking up everyone else’s chance to have fun, and we would really rather not ban you over something that appears to be entirely outside of your control.
And next time you think you see a “Starlight Glimmer hater” just unsubscribe and go do something else for awhile. Because you’re seeing “Starlight Glimmer hate” even where it doesn’t exist. And that’s not good for anyone.
Please - take a break.