Which is kinda awkward considering she’s
paid by taxes to begin with.
One headcanon I’ve had for a while expands the ‘pegasi act like birds’ joke. They’re bloody magpies who loot everything shiny they see. Only reason we didn’t see any of that on the show is that one thousand years in the death world in sugarbowl’s clothing of Equestria means some pretty ruthless natural selection.
Also why Cadance went for Shining Armor in the first place. He’s got shiny in his name and she was a pegasus before becoming an alicorn.
Also like to think they’ve got the same ‘sex on legs’ and ‘easy’ reputations
Mass Effect’s Asari and
Elder Scrolls’ Dunmer (and fantasy elves in general) are saddled with.
So, complete with how Rainbow Dash usually acts and what was shown of ancient pegasi in
Hearth’s Warming Eve, pegasi have the (possibly justified) stereotype of being thieving blood knight harlots in-universe.