I’m kind of shocked this thread hasn’t been locked since the event ended, tbh.
But it’s.. kind of disheartening to see that people who were complaining of the event theme messing with their health, no matter how minor those issues were, and requesting either to know when the event would end or if an option to disable the event theme could be added, being vilified still.
I might have jumped into the thread at the tail end of the event to voice my displeasure with the theme, so maybe I missed the more abusive and aggressive people who didn’t like the theme, but what I did see was people who were voicing their concerns and displeasure in a manner that could be described as passive-aggressive at worst, being repeatedly met with calls of “Killjoy” and other similar things by people with much more aggressive tonality.
My sympathies do go out to the mods, many of whom seemed frustrated with the mixed response to the event and many other reasons I’d imagine, I hope my own comments didn’t add to those frustrations in anyway, and if they did, I apologise.
That said, I would like to restate what I said 10 days ago.
If a future April Fools event involves a change to the theme, please think back to this event and do not disable the ability to change back to the default themes for those who might take issue with the forced theme change, if for no other reason than to avoid the same hooplah that occurred this year.