We are fucked.
Yes, but not for the reasons you think.
The USA will be a far right fascist dictatorship.
No it won’t be. By European standards the USA has been “fascist” since 2001. Every president after Carter has been declared to be the next Hitler. It is not a dictatorship. Checks and balances still sort of work, states are increasingly defying federal authority and doing their own thing, both major parties are plagued by infighting (but it’s hurting the Republicans more), and all of our leading politicians are bumbling gerontocrats who literally don’t know what year it is, let alone the price of milk.
Even if Trump somehow gets a second term, this hypothetical second administration will be just as bumbling and incompetent as the first was, just as crammed with incompetent neoptism hires and backbiting flatterers as the first was, and the few policies that actually survive all the legal, judicial, and bureaucratic roadblocks would immediately be reversed come 2029.
There will be another holocaust where everybody who isn’t a white straight Christian will get killed.
No, that’s ridiculous. The Nazis couldn’t even go that far. The Republican Party is too busy chasing elusive ‘minority voters’ to plan their extermination, and even if they were planning a genocide, they’re not competent enough to actually carry one out. They have proven time and time again that they are cowards, and the only things they can do well are obstruct legislation and grift.
Trump is going to win the election.
No he won’t. 2016 was a fluke because the Dems sat on their laurels. He didn’t win last year, he won’t win again. And by 2028 shifting demographics will guarantee the Democrats win every subsequent election until the end of time.
There are people that think that because of the debate
Debates don’t change anyone’s minds, and they never have.
Trump will cause immense damage abroad and in the US. Last thing the world needs right now
The American Empire is the single biggest sponsor of war and terrorism in post-WWII history, and has provoked every single war since the death of Hitler. Incompetent leadership will hasten its collapse, and that’s a good thing for everybody.
@Background Pony #8E51
Varg Vikernes, a controversial Norwegian former black metal guy who now LARPs as a pagan neo-Nazi.