First: yeah, the more you learn about the Thompson and its history, the more you realise that it’s place in firearms history is like 2% pushing things forward and 98% hot gas (if you’ll excuse the puns). Its only real contributions were the blish lock, which Derwood would laughably copy with his BS memagnet recoil “”“deletion””” system in the KC9, and the hollywood hype machine. If you believe fiction, then the Thompson was the be-all-and-end-all of submachine guns up until WW2, when in reality is was an overpriced over-engineered rich-man’s gun that was only adopted because of graft and dropped as soon as cheaper and better options came along.
There’s a reason the Grease Gun retained its popularity and adoption all the way up until after Desert Storm.
Second: Another piece of fuddlore surrounding revolvers that occasionally pops up is “it’s stronger/more accurate because there’s no energy lost to reloading!” Like with the cylinder gap thing, in practical shooting its quite hard to measure given variables like training and familiarity with the firearm in question.