I want to die...
Oh my goodness, that image looks…
It’s like so outright mindblowing it just. WOW. You guys did it <3
The wait was worth it because oh my lovely goodness it looks outright AMAZING, and so different compared to the other Collabs. It’s like “Joey left us but we’ve made something also great in their absence” and honestly it’s like hyper awesome <3
It just… wow… And I love the strategic placement you did with some OCs, it’s so… Oh my goodness <3
I’m a bit sleepy, with only 1 hour of sleep and like… working at -10% my brain capacity
Do I have to post the artworks Guardian Talon and I did for some of my friends? Not sure if I should anywhere, but doesn’t hurt to ask, right? :D
I’m perfectly fine just staying here cutely bobbing from left to right and waiting, I just don’t know if there’s like a Badge Awarding thread like some past events