@Macaroni C-Pony
Oh I just mean on this list its only judging skill, magic, and power and discord is at least that strong. Probably meaning Discord absorbed Tirek should be up there too
Yes, but Cosmos scared Discord because she was far more violent and evil then he was. Where Discord was the embodiment of Chaos, Cosmos was the embodiment of Malice, as stated in the comic. He just wanted to have fun, where she downright wanted hate and suffering.
didn’t discord beat Cosmos in the end though shouldn’t he be on her level? this just goes as someone who didn’t read the comic entirely but saw snippets
@Background Pony #2E5E
I agree with most of what you said but you have to remember that Celestia and Luna defeated Discord with the Elements of Harmony, without them they were powerless against him. Tho Double Alicorn Level+ sounds fine.
Let’s also remember Tirek didn’t had only the Discord’s magic inside him, but also the magic of all the Equestrian citiziens; However this wasn’t enough to stop Twilight with her own alicorn magic and the other three alicorns (Cadance, Luna and Celestia). Tier 4 Alicorn is too exaggerated speaking of power for Discord. Considering Luna and Celestia defeated him in the past he should be Double Alicorn Level+
Discord cannot be on the 4 alicorn tier since it his magic that was part of Tirek and all of Equestria that was equally matched by Twilight wielding the magic of 4 alicorns.
The Dazzlings should be above Demon Sunsent since they were able to beat the magic of friendship with a group of 6 Elements of Harmony, which was what defeated Sunset.
Sombra was also defeated by the same thing and should thus be below the Dazzlings.
Was it ever confirmed that Spikes teleportation dragon breath can only effect paper? Because if it can affect living things thats an INSANELY op ability at least hypothetically
@Background Pony #BB9B
You mean a continuity that is identical to the primary timeline of Friendship Is Magic but crosses over with Transformers? Both crossover comics can’t be taken as canon. Who cares? Everything’s canon!
@Macaroni C-Pony
Tecnically Accord, Discord, Cosmos and Eris have the same power level, but Discord only wants fun, Eris didn’t uses her powers at all, Cosmos only wants destruction and Accord only wants to make a utopy.
And from all, Accord is the only one with a purpose so it is not distracted for games to fulfill his mission and then, he’s powerful than the other 3 chaos lords.
He holds the Matrix of Leadership which contains the essence of his god, Primus.
Yeah, but Trike stated while he absorbed Discord’s raw power, he couldn’t use actually his chaos magic. Cozy Glow tried and failed
Oh I just mean on this list its only judging skill, magic, and power and discord is at least that strong. Probably meaning Discord absorbed Tirek should be up there too
Yes, but Cosmos scared Discord because she was far more violent and evil then he was. Where Discord was the embodiment of Chaos, Cosmos was the embodiment of Malice, as stated in the comic. He just wanted to have fun, where she downright wanted hate and suffering.
I agree with most of what you said but you have to remember that Celestia and Luna defeated Discord with the Elements of Harmony, without them they were powerless against him. Tho Double Alicorn Level+ sounds fine.
Let’s also remember Tirek didn’t had only the Discord’s magic inside him, but also the magic of all the Equestrian citiziens; However this wasn’t enough to stop Twilight with her own alicorn magic and the other three alicorns (Cadance, Luna and Celestia). Tier 4 Alicorn is too exaggerated speaking of power for Discord. Considering Luna and Celestia defeated him in the past he should be Double Alicorn Level+
Also, Grogar’s bell can affect Discord.
You mean a continuity that is identical to the primary timeline of Friendship Is Magic but crosses over with Transformers? Both crossover comics can’t be taken as canon. Who cares? Everything’s canon!
Yeah, and there’s also Transformers got a new continuity: “Equestrian Continuity”
Because the transformers had a crossover with mlp
Yeah. Why there’s Transformers?
Yes, but my point is in an analytical scenario where they are trying to kill each other, they would likely end in stalemate.
Tecnically Accord, Discord, Cosmos and Eris have the same power level, but Discord only wants fun, Eris didn’t uses her powers at all, Cosmos only wants destruction and Accord only wants to make a utopy.
Same thing with Cosmos. Unlike Discord she craved destruction and violence, and thus was perceived as much more stronger.