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For Trans Day of Visibility. Really don’t care how much negativity this art receives, if that’s the price that I have to pay in order to spread positivity, than that’s just how it’s gonna be. Reminder on this lovely #TransDayOfVisibility that you are valid, wonderful, and important! Let your light shine and never stop being uniquely yourself 💕
not provided yet
I’m talking about the red text.
What’d they say?
The powers that be are getting snippy. I like it.
Sexualizing Kids is what pedophiles do.
teaching Children About sexuality is what teacher do (the age of 5 is too Young for anything more than Groundlevel: most Woman love Man, most Man love Woman, some man love man, some Woman love Woman, tho)
But heck are we way off Topic of the Picture again
It’s more than 100000000000000% possible to teach kids about the various sexualities without even mentioning sex once. In fact, there’s a huge difference between teaching kids about sexuality and sexualizing kids.
I didnt have GI joes… aw… shieeetttt….
Kids are taught about “sexuality” the minute their parents tell them to wear dresses are for girls and GI.Joes are for boys, stop being a spaz.
Your name containing the word troll seems accurate
How do you feel about society trying to push sexuality onto kids though, I go through a store and see shirts saying “don’t bully” or “we are the future” both with an pride flag on them. They’re KIDS , why are they sexualized KIDS? Why are teachers trying to push learning sexuality at age 5?!
I must note I think this image with a feature there would have to be rated Suggestive, but in a different pose, it could be subtle…
Also worth noting that not everyone is entirely sure on their sexuality at first, and may think they’re something they’re really not before later realizing they ain’t that. Discovering your sexuality is all just part of discovering who you are, and given how “heteronormative” society tends to be, trying to figure out what you really are why society is trying to shove what you “should be” down your throat can sometimes confuse someone.
Depends if s/he thinks of the lgbt as a community or as their sexuality.
You can not Change your sexuality. I think we can all agree on that.
but you can Change your Status towards an “open community”
requirements to be in a open community:
1)The thing the community is build around is important to you
2)You want to share/ be together with people that also think this is important
3)You got no problem with being mentioned/ gouped together with the worst parts of the community
one negative to the three sentences and it gets your mindset kicked out of the “open community”
By what
@Background Pony #0430
@Background Pony #0430
@Background Pony #0430
is talking about it seems s/he is struggeling with fitting the 3)
‘i used to be lgbt’
If you used to be lgbt then you weren’t lgbt in the first place. It isn’t optional or a switch to turn on and off.
At a side note, i find it interesting that Ponk’s colours work so well with the trans and pan flag. Trans seems very different from her but pan seems like exactly what she would be. It’s funny haha
I wish i could draw Ponk like this artist did; she’s so cute,,
Well, maybe start with tarring and feathering an entire community because of the behavior of a few people at a parade.
But that’s unrelated to this image, so please use the forums or make an appointment at my office if you want personal counseling.
For what it’s worth I do care about helping the LGBT community. What do you think I’m doing wrong?
This image has nothing to do with people acting like a sexual deviant in front of children. Please create a thread in the forums if you want to talk about that - preferably on a different site.
Also, if you are picking your sexual orientation because of the community, you’re doing it wrong.
You… used to be LGBT? Like, what, the Will & Grace reboot turned you straight?