Starting off with the general pony body structure. Future tutorials will elaborate more on the legs and head. Proportions will vary based on style and personal preference, but ponies will typically share some similarities (e.g. location of legs, number of heads).
As a disclaimer, I’m not claiming this is the “right” way to draw ponies, this is just how I think about it. Hopefully it will be helpful for others.Here are some other excellent general pony anatomy tutorials. I recommend checking these out too:
Pony Anatomy Tips/Study/Tutorial by kilalaaa
Let’s Draw: Pony Bodies! Tutorial #2 by SorcerusHorserus
Pony Anatomy by spittfireart
Agreed. This is a really good and helpful tutorial.
you could’ve mentioned how that little bump at the top of their forelegs is like where the horse’s humerus sticks out.
good call on not having both back legs equally offset, b/c of perspective.
one neat thing about your “table” analogy is it works for anything. draw a box around (or inside) a non-boxlike thing at one angle, then easily rotate the box, and that tells you where to put all the parts of the thing, at a different angle.
What I thought of
I might try (and fail at) drawing once again.