Edit your original, upload that. Report this one as a duplicate to the new one for a spelling correction and the mods will merge the comments sections/rating.
@Background Pony #2F0F
Yeah. Thank god David Productions is finally getting ready to air the anime adaptation and to finally give us a definitive look at how King Crimson fucking works.
That helps
Lol yes
It did!
Basically, the user can see 10 seconds into the future and avoid any attack which is why it’s so strong.
And yet it’s so difficult to explain verbally.
Thx m8 i really appreciate it
Edit your original, upload that. Report this one as a duplicate to the new one for a spelling correction and the mods will merge the comments sections/rating.
Yeah all memes aside King Crimson is pretty easy to understand.
King Crimson has always worked.
I just wanna change this miss spelling, i have the psd but i dont think that I can chage a picture when this was upload
So excited. Legit the only thing this year I feel hype for.
Please don’t. Everyone makes typos. Just correct them and have a bit of a laugh along the way.
Yeah. Thank god David Productions is finally getting ready to air the anime adaptation and to finally give us a definitive look at how King Crimson fucking works.
I just wanna end my self