Looking at it now, I also think it would have been pretty cool to have a spark or two fly out of her neck or from behind an ear. If I remake this as anything other than a SuperQUICK edit, I’ll be sure and make it more epic. x3
I think this could be improved a little if (between the blue screen and her eyes looking up) she blinks once or twice, and then goes to a UFI/BIOS screen, so it’s like she’s ‘restarting’. Just an idea. ;)
Looking at it now, I also think it would have been pretty cool to have a spark or two fly out of her neck or from behind an ear. If I remake this as anything other than a SuperQUICK edit, I’ll be sure and make it more epic. x3
I think this could be improved a little if (between the blue screen and her eyes looking up) she blinks once or twice, and then goes to a UFI/BIOS screen, so it’s like she’s ‘restarting’. Just an idea. ;)