My design for either of these suggested badges if they were a thing, just because I really wanted to design a badge and it’s super fun. Though for the record if you guys wanted to use this for any badge that would be the coolest thing ever. But if you do you have to give it to me regardless of criteria || I’m just kidding || No I’m not || Yes I am but I wouldn’t say no if you did it || || ||
I wish I could get a job but I promised I would take care of him so she could keep hers she likes it and she says she wouldn’t be able to handle staying in the house all day.
I literally have 0$ to my name at any given point I take care of my grandparents mainly my grandfather I can’t leave the house my grandmother has the job and I feel bad asking for money for anything.
I suck at art and when I’m not here talking I’m helping my grandfather with something or cleaning the house I have no time for it even if I was any good at it.
Pledge $1 a month and it’s yours. That’s one less small cup of McDonalds coffee a month and you get the badge! You could also take up the pencil, draw some stuff, verify a link, and get the artist badge…
>tfw I will never get any of those because I only upload niche fetish art that rarely gets highly voted
nearly 2000 uploads, no recognition…
I wish I could get a job but I promised I would take care of him so she could keep hers she likes it and she says she wouldn’t be able to handle staying in the house all day.
My grandfather hates me.
Touche <:(
I literally have 0$ to my name at any given point I take care of my grandparents mainly my grandfather I can’t leave the house my grandmother has the job and I feel bad asking for money for anything.
I suck at art and when I’m not here talking I’m helping my grandfather with something or cleaning the house I have no time for it even if I was any good at it.
Pledge $1 a month and it’s yours. That’s one less small cup of McDonalds coffee a month and you get the badge! You could also take up the pencil, draw some stuff, verify a link, and get the artist badge…
I tried that thing once. It was scary
What the? O.O
Yeah I’m going to pass on that.
The first I could probably accomplish in a few years.
What’s IRC?
You could:
It’s adorable. Straight to the pony folder it goes.
Nuuuu. Now I’ll never get a badge. ;_;

your current filter.Edited because: >>###p format for Image Embeds
Can I borrow some? Please?
I do! YIPEE! :D
Darn I have no money! T_T
That’s a reward for anyone currently supporting the site on Patreon
I also wish to inquire about the derpy badge how do you get that one?
The Trixie badge is great, but now that I’m looking what I really want to know about is that “happy Derpy” dealie.
Two out of five, though
Nice work!
Congragulations, how about a speech?
Was there ever any doubt?
>mfw no reaction image of trixie saying this
Um how about “thank you”? Geez so inconsiderate.
I’m joking please don’t hate me.